Why do we get shafted in gms all the time, and why the players keep putting up with this bullshit.
i never knew reward points worked like that across different versions.
how awesome would that be, if we could buy pets or nx equpis with reward points
and i would love it, if i could just buy a psok from the auction house to either sell my tyrants, or psok them to mules, or just buy some red/black cubes : D
and why did nexon make master craftsman's and meister cubes, only tradable within our own account ( talk about killing the market )
we should stop letting nexon step on us, and do whatever they please, (reboot only perm nx packages anyone ?)
and if other services got it, so it's a no brainer that we in gms should have it as well. (like seriously why the hell can't we buy stuff from the cash shop using only reward points, it's a no brainer, i know a lot of people that would come back playing this game, if we could buy stuff from the cash shop with reward poins, and it promotes gamplay and character investment ( because it's not easy killing all the necessary bosses, to accumulate enough reward points )
and as i see it other services have it, and they seem to be fine, so we should get it for gms too, pretty please nexon
+10 to this suggestion, you sir deserve a Cookie Jar (with cookies in it)