Can you stop Nerf a kanna, this isn't even valid while you have the new cadena hit like a truck. your not really selling this. This class is already so weak, have you seen a dps chart for classes kanna, it doesn't even show up. EVEN A Bishop does. No one can really work on this character when you keep nerfing it. why don't you stop touching the paint before it dries. you keep messing with it you keep making it worse. while don't you JUST STOP MESSING WITH IT. your not making party play worth it as is. Decease drop of gold and teams and making the damage have no worth. Why are you doing this hell i got to solo bosses to make it worth the gold. Then the few times we party your nerfing that. I remember when you where rewarded for being a team and doing damage together Now everyone has to solo to get anywhere. Can you leave the few classes that make party play worth it stay that way. OR fix the party system so people are wanting to party not just Kill Steal each other on the map.