the most annoying part is to hunt a specific elite monsters.
The elite monsters won't spawn unless you are close to the level of said monsters, and to make matter worst, you need to find that one "specific" elite monsters out of the many others. Like Beefy, Shadowy, Evasive, etc...
Aye the elites are the most frustrating part !
But alas, I am not one that's gone crazy over collecting them, but once I collected some, then all is good!
Just loved how I gained the Mu Gong one from the recent Red Leaf High event, and not dojo!
New chairs all in normal gachapon, and you release a chair gachapon with ONE chair I've not seen in-game ever !!
Why can't you swap them around so the new chairs are in chair gachapon?!
~ One annoyed chair collector.
(I'm using this as just a joke also. Just the amount of junk I get from normal gachapon and SEVENTEEN new chairs I need to collect... RIP money...)
For a crossover that had sooooooooooo much potential to be amazing... I'm disappointed.
It's basically a glorified yet so incredibly bugged attendance quest where you die for no apparent reason (Yes I was avoiding all the areas that needed to be avoided)
Also CS boxes are to be desired too...
Maintenance never can and never will work like that, sure they roughly estimate it'd take 8 hours, so they announce it.
But then there's the test server, a server that cannot pick up on a mass-player server like the ones we actually play on. So when the game is live, and problems appear and an emergency/unscheduled maintenance is needed to fix whatever issue.
We all know the song...
99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs in the code.. Take one down, patch it around, 127 little bugs in the code..
Demon classes have simple attacks, but I say this to anyone and everyone who asks these type of questions. Explore all the classes till you find one you like. At the end of the day it's you playing the character. You'll find one you like!