Name: Ergoth Age: At least 2000 years old. Place of Birth: Sharenian (Current Perion) Powers:
- Immortality through the power of the Sharenian cursed Crystal
- Knows … (more)ancient Sharenian Magic
- Has the unique ability to harness the power of Crystals
- Can embed the power of Crystals into any weapon making it more powerful. Due to this ability he can use any weapon he wants.
- Can create monsters and embue them with Crystals to make them more powerful
- Can make crystals grow around him
Ergoth was the first mage of King Sharen the 3rd. King Sharen came in posession of the cursed crystal but could not control its power ultimately resulting in his death. After his death Ergoth continued to research the crystal using his unique abilities to manipulate crystals. In the end he managed to harness the crystals power and make himself immortal. However the death of the king left Sharenian unstable. Being unable to control the population the city was quickly abandoned and slowly started to fade away.
The mage Ergoth took the crystal deep inside the Sharenian castle and deviced various traps to discourage anyone who came looking for it. At the end of the dungeon he created a monster which he named after himself as the final hurdle for anyone who dared to enter. Giving the monster a fake crystal he took the real one and sealed himself and the crystal away.
Not too long ago a group of Black Wing treasure hunters looking for the crystal were exploring the ancient runes of Sharenian and undid the seal by accident. Setting Ergoth free in the current day. Ergoth went out of his sealed room for the first time in 2000 years and saw what was self of Sharenian. Being alone for over 2000 years does take a toll on one's mind. Ergoth came to the conclusion that it was the fault of the people that Sharenian was left in ruines and vowed to rebuild it one day and take revenge on the people that left his city to rot The current world had no place for Sharenian, so it had to be destoryed...
Ergoth went back to Sharenian and started building an army of monsters and embued the monsters with his Crystals making them even more powerful.
He also researched other places such as Orbis and the Nautilus who were also using the power of Crystals to generate light and power their Ships. Little did they know that this knowledge could be used again them at any time.
Sharing the same goal as the black mage Ergoth could be the ultimate commander, he doesnt care if the world is destroyed for he cannot die anyway. Rebuilding this world is the only way to get back what was taken.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes. (less)
I understand that the timeline for the next 2 months is probably already pretty much set in stone.
But wouldnt it be awesome to have the old school maple event back while we're also … (more)getting the conclusion of the black mage story?
I am referring to the event where you could go back to the old lith harbor, henesys and various other maps.
You could also complete quests and gather coins for old school maple gear.
Hayato are receiving skill revamps to adjust their skills’ stats, balance, energy cost, and more.
- Kanna’s stats will be increased to make her more competitive and balanced with other Magician jobs.
I am missing a lot of details here, what is actually being balanced? Will I get stronger or lose power?
As a player I care a lot about what happens to my character, I don't know if my character will be affected and if so.. where to look.
Also I am happy that Kanna is being revamped but what exactly is being revamped, should I just login and figure it out myself?
If I didnt have a Kanna and I would see those patch notes I wouldn't even be bothered to create one since I don't know what is being changed anyway.
Maple can still be busy these days, during events or peak time! As far as I know henesys is still the place to go if you want to hang out! Here is a picture of MapleStory Europe two days … (more)ago during a GM event! it was super busy! (less)