You guys released an item to hide Ark's facial markings.
You did not however release an item to hide Ark's Specter arm.
Yes I am aware that you can cover it with an NX weapon, however, I do not wish to use a flashy NX weapon, nor do I desire to make my weapon transparent entirely.
I want to use a in-game Knuckle for fashion reasons. :c
Thus an item to toggle Ark's Specter hand on or off would be wonderful. It'd work similarly to the pre-existing items that toggle Elven / Lef ears, or Ark / Demon markings.
Brief bug summary: Capital letters in character names return an error.
More details: This has occurred on multiple accounts, with multiple different attempted in game names and on different class choices. Merely removing the capital letter and replacing it with a lower-case letter will resolve the issue. This is not preferable however. None of the aforementioned names were curse words, nor taken by other players.
Friends have experienced the same issue.
Steps to reproduce: Create new character, pick your look, etc etc. After typing in your desired in game name, the game requests your preferred control layout, and then returns an error message stating that the name cannot be used.
World name: Luna
Date and time of the incident: Since Europe merge until -ongoing-.