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  • Black Mage Legion Application - Contest

    Name: Cerberus/Jasper C. Tredor

    Commander Name: Maw of Eternal Suffering

    Symbol: Three Headed Dog

    Perks: I can devour everything and anything. My jaws are supernaturally pliable and strong, and there’s a portal in my gut that’s directly linked to my much more vast body. Wanna see? Hehheheh. Maybe you'd rather see me suck this village into me. I understand. Moving on, since I’ve got a personal gateway to the lands of eternal punishment inside of me, this means I come with a legion of prisoners from the other realm, monsters and other horrible forces at my disposal. Not bad, right? You could also say I’m good storage space. Since I'm connected to my old body, I can project a metaphysical manifistation of itself into the physical world when I want. I wonder how you're face would look having the claws of Cerberus smashing down on top of you....Or better yet, clamped between his fangs.... Let’s not forget to mention that I also come with a good public face and political standing! You could use more of that in your...eh.....less than loveable team. I’d make for an awesome two part boss fight, too--from the outside and the inside.

    Dashing Looks and Charming Personality: Although I’m a bit overweight, I’ve got a handsome face, smooth dark skin, striking sage green eyes, strong jaw and a thick curly mane of long golden hair that spills down my back. I rock a black top hat, black velvet coat adorned with gold teeth embroidery and sport more leather belts than what’s necessary, so I’m just as classic as I am edgy. I don't miss the opportunity to deck my many rings and earrings with gems. My brooch is a cerberus flashing his many rows of pearly whites at you--he’s grinning though, don’t worry~ Furthermore, my own smile is killer both literally and figuratively. When I’m not being driven insane by the agonies of hell and maddening hunger, performing acts of debauchery behind the scenes or devouring people, I’m jovial and charming with a good sense of humor. If only this grotesque aura wasn't becoming more apparent...it's been making people a bit...eh...unnerved.

    Experience: Let's see...committing treason against the celestial beings for whom I guarded their interdimensional gates by opening said gates to evil forces; corrupting said celestial beings, abusing my power, torturing my inmates for centuries, devouring my servants, nearby citizens, and property; being an overall corrupt politician....I've been around the block.

    Reason for Becoming and Remaining Loyal: I’M DESPERATE.

    Tragic Backstory:

    Three voices.
    Three voices screaming all at once.
    That their hunger is neeeeever ever ever ever ending.
    A desire that can NEVER be fulfilled.
    I get it.
    I know it.
    Save me! Help me! Where am I? Get me out of here!
    Screeching and howling and barking and whining through my entire body like the horrible, pitiful, gigantic three headed monster they are, from that other realm who’s gateway is nestled deep in my gut.
    Sulfur and bile burn at my nose, even when there’s a sweet fragrance set right in front of my face.
    It makes me WANT TO-

    Woops. Forgive me, forgive me. Haha~Would you look at that? I’m digressing before I’ve even said anything. Annnyway, let’s start from the beginning. This is the story of two unfortunate individuals not asking to swap lives with each other one fateful evening, but were forced to all the same. The more simpler of the pair to describe was a pudgy, pretty haired, spoiled brat who went by the name of Jasper C. Tredor; born into one of the wealthiest families in Maple World and heir to the entire fortune. He was a smug, ungrateful snit who expected everything be handed to him and had his rich mommy dearest and daddy dearest wrapped around his plump little finger. You know the type.

    The second is, of course, the more difficult one describe, but, ah, I’ll be sure to uncomplicate things for your reading pleasure. You see, before the swap, participant number two was undergoing eternal punishment for ancient crimes which we won't even get into right now. All that matters is that a once beautiful guardianof the celestial gates had committed great sins and was thrown into neverending damnation for them. His body warped into a giant, voracious monster of a mongrel with three heads--his mind divided between all three of them. Agony plagued him every waking, infinite second of his existence---constant confusion, a painful hunger that could would never stop---eyes, nose and skin leaking and burning with sulfur and acid... No matter how many of the lesser prisoners his three heads devoured and redevoured, the torture couldn’t be lessened. It only got worse. To top it all off, he was given multiple roles to play in this godforsaken place--not only was he to act as both a prisoner and punisher, but also a guard for a new gateway AND and the gate itself. His very mouths were the entrance to the deepest depths of the land of eternal suffering.

    One day, in another world, a powerful witch decided she’d do something ludacris, for a lack of better words, before vanishing without a trace. The Tredors were on some fancy vacation in some unimportant, lush countryside. Jasper had foolishly wandered off the property and was consequently lured into the witch's layer and held captive. A forbidden ritual ensued. The next morning, the child who returned to the frantic parents was not their son, even though his face was grinning up at them. It was me. In his body. Get this: that witch had pulled me out of my hell and put that rotten little rich kid in my place. HAHA! I explained to them exactly what I was, and then proceeded to lie to them, telling them that if they ever wanted their son back, they’d treat me like their own. And they did! Reluctantly--but they did! For the first few decades, all was great. I was free from an existence of eternal suffering. I lived the good life, nabbed myself a nifty political position, a wife (more specifically, she was an assasin sent out to kill me and wound up marrying me instead) had a well liked public facade and could act like a heathen all I wanted behind closed doors...everything was PERFECT. It cracked me up to think that in another dimension, that boy Jasper was going through the same misery that I had gone through for eons.

    But then...one day...I felt it. I don’t know why. I don’t know how. But for some reason, we connected. I felt it form deep in my gut. Even though I was in this human body, still in Maple World, that old, agonizing hunger overcame me. The insane howling of my former three heads. The pain. The confused and miserable cries from the true Jasper. The awful smells…Day by day it got worse and worse…. I couldn’t control myself any longer. Did this have something to do with that witch? Or something else, perhaps? Doesn’t matter. I couldn’t take it. Wait, why am I talking like this is all done and over with? It’s not over!



    Black Mage. Put a muzzle on me before I ruin my perfect life any more than I already have. You alone can quell my suffering. Keep that boy where he is and me where I am. I don't want to go back. I NEED SATIATION. END THIS TORMENT AND I’LL PLEDGE MY ALLEGIANCE TO YOU, GLADLY! And hey, if it turns out you want Maple World devoured? I’m your man. HA! I think I’d LOVE it if you asked that of me! You know you can, right? HAHAHAHA!