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  • FIX YOUR DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And we get an incoming patch and no mention of fixing the error 38 message....but we do get Gachapon fix...priority's in line with what I expect from Nexon.
  • FIX YOUR DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aggraphine wrote: »
    ICEMAGE wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    I'm curious, how much work do you believe fixing the current crashes and such would take?

    It shouldn't matter how much time or effort it takes to fix the game, they should fix it! That is the problem nowadays, no one wants to put in effort. There are plenty of games that would have taken down their servers down and fixed it right away. Nexon just doesn't care if it don't involve real money.

    Okay so if "it shouldn't matter how much time" it takes, why are you complaining? It's almost never readily apparent what the root cause of an issue is in most code, never mind code that's 15 years old and has changed hands innumerable times over that time period. This has nothing to do with the competence, or lack thereof, of anyone working for nexon. That's just how coding is. You can change one part of it, fix one thing, and end up breaking something entirely unrelated.

    What, do you think if you sit here and whine loud enough that the damn president of nexon korea will materialize in your thread to congratulate you for finding the magic pass-phrase that allows them to access the super fixer tool that allows them to change the gamebugged code line from 1 to 0?

    So because it's hard work and may take some time to fix, they should get a free pass? That is a total cop out. They get no slack from me when I've seen how quick they can move to fix cash things, no matter how long it takes them, they fix it. They don't even care to bother with this issue. There are plenty of good game developers that actually care and take the time to show they care. Look at the latest patch in Path to Exile where they developers actually kept everyone up to date, apologized and you know, actually gave a damn about the players.
  • FIX YOUR DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aggraphine wrote: »
    I'm curious, how much work do you believe fixing the current crashes and such would take?

    It shouldn't matter how much time or effort it takes to fix the game, they should fix it! That is the problem nowadays, no one wants to put in effort. There are plenty of games that would have taken down their servers down and fixed it right away. Nexon just doesn't care if it don't involve real money.
  • FIX YOUR DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sadly, Nexon doesn't care about fixing many things that don't involve real money. Like you said, if it was the Marvel Machine, they would have fixed it right away. Or if we we're getting free stuff from the cash shop or something along those lines, they would jump on fixing it. I hope they fix the issue and agree with they only care about the hackers and big spenders. Us small frys don't factor into their caring if they do care.
  • Switching Characters

    I would like to know why Nexon has made it so hard to switch between characters with the constant dc'ing! It used to be so much simpler and easier to get these things done. With the dark lords of darkness quest, it's especially frustrating and painfully slow.