MapleStory has always had players who will try to cheat the system and find ways to get by and cut corners, isn't that right? Therefore Nexon's team I am sure has been doing all that can be done within their power and consideration to make sure the gaming environment remains safe and fair to combat players who attempt these acts while giving the benefit of the doubt as well. We have all been aware of a long-standing mechanic in the game where when you face one direction for too long without moving a reasonable distance, you will no longer be using valid attacks until you face the other way and use your attack again.
Today as I was doing a damage test on a dummy from the dojo; I found myself (as a Night Lord) 10 seconds into my burst throwing nothing but air. Though this is not anything new for years, the funny part is that I was using a Ring of Restraint so I couldn't move to start throwing stars again lol! I feel with certain classes attacking faster than others that this has become something of a nuisance for certain classes (particularly classes who do not move often at times when fighting bosses or mobs, i.e. Night Lord and many close range classes).
Though I see the purpose in such a mechanic to fight macroers; I do feel that allowing us to spam an attack for at least one minute (or a duration/meter that would encompass all classes with fairness) would not harm the game community in the grand scheme of things. To whomever is the gatekeeper in deciding which ideas get considered, I thank you for your service!