Sincerely, nexon gentlemen for me and for several of us you do not fulfill your work well, as it is possible that you bann kanna main or kannas mules for slight or help a friend, do not be the ones who do not know by telling us to send a ticket, so that we write things that you say are supposed to review our case, always write the same and this is already annoying, you have a database, rather our game history and know who is legal and who is not, the irony is that you have a clear account of transparent people and I include myself because since I started the game I have always been transparent and directed to the rules of the game both me and other affected people who are Kannas. Gentlemen GM´s of Nexon will have good eyes, wake up !!!! you lie that you ban legal accounts that have cost us time, dedication, perseverance and much suffering to have achieved the progress that we have had so far each one, now in this moment the other people who break all their rules of the game that if they use another Illegal programs must be playing right now; damaging the game, laughing at the action you have taken to ban legal accounts, they must be happy while we legal game users are sad and upset about what you do to your legal players.