And kobe plays A LOT, something that not everyone can afford to do, so its normal that if u play a lot u progress fast
Thing is OP wants gms to be like kms cuz he thinks kms is better, but in reality kms is way WAY grindier than gms, tiering up potential requires way more cubes which means more $$$, items are weaker, its slower to progress, the only good things are starforce cost, which is lower and that they dont have as much hacking issues as here, or at least thats what ive heard.
GMS inflation is mainly cuz of hackers, but the first thing we need to do in order for hackers to disappear is to US,the PLAYER BASE/COMMUNITY stop buying mesos/accounts and so on for dollars from hackers wesites. There are hackers because its a bussiness, they make money off hacking, if they didnt , they would disappear the vast majority of them and switch to other games that can give them money.
After that , nexon should improve their anti hacking system and consider whats so wrong in their game that people ressort to hacker websites to buy mesos in order to progress.
1st its to go in to each account and remove all ilegal obtained meso/items ( its huge,hard,painfull and for some very unfair project)