Just came back from a long hiatus, booked time off work, made food for then next few days, getting set up to pull an all nighter to the update and seen this.
There is zero way to progress on Reboot in my eyes now outside of doing daily Ursus for 40 years straight and even that wouldn't be enough. I'm a fairy new player and my Kanna was only 1 line meso and the 20% IA so I never got to do it... but they sure are intent on killing this game. No intended shift of the meta as a workaround for Reboot either. You're pretty much forced into stagnation. What are people going to actually be doing for meso now? Arcane Kanna got smacked with it too so it's not like they increased the barrier to entry. Farming on mains (like my hero) isn't very viable. Rolling alts isn't profitable. I think they're honestly sick of supporting the server if this is their stance. No pottable badges, couple hundred billion meso behind the people playing for years and never going to bridge the gap because the grind just got exponentially worse.
Bye bye farming was horrible from the looks of it but there was nothing to replace it which is the real issue here. I can't see a silver lining to this. I guess I'll check back in a few years hopefully something has changed for the better.