A lot of the GMS skill sounds do not match up to what they are in KMS. I think that they should match up because it effects a few classes. It especially affects the cannoneer as they basically have completely different skill sounds in KMS. Their GMS skill sounds kinda sound like garbage, but in KMS they sound so crisp and new. A few other examples of this is include the dual blade's katara booster, a few phantom skill, and probably many more. I would like to see Nexon implement these changes as they don't seem to be all that impossible. It can't really be all that hard to copy and paste sound effects from one game to another. I'd be very happy to see these changes happen. I've basically been waiting since R.E.D. I was honestly disappointed when I learned that the skill sounds didn't carry over like years ago when R.E.D. hit. Whatever the reason is for not carrying the sounds over, I hope Nexon can over come whatever it is that prevented this. Thanks for reading!