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  • [Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016

    people behind the scenes to be able to do this for us to play not only that the nexon team are fixing many bugs which showed up after maintance finished. Smh some people don't appreciate how hard these teams work. They might not of had any sleep yet :( people should be praising not bad mouthing them.
    Come on guys, its a game. i may get bad comments about this, but guys, think of it as this way, appreciate that they are trying to fix the bugs NOW rather then taking the server down unexpectedly....yes its been hours and hours and hours, but instead of bad mouthing nexon, appreciate instead, for what THEY are doing. They may of not had sleep, or proper food etc, but least they're trying? maybe shift work to figure everything out. come on guys, its a game, appreciate what they are doing for us. I mean how would you like it if, you had to sit at a computer to fix bugs, fix things for people who are BAD MOUTHING wanting to go on the game? How would you feel? Hurt? upset? want to give up?

    P.S: throw stuff at me, idc, but i say, is fair.
    P.S.S: think of all the leveling you could be doing ONCE the game is up, think of it that way, enjoy the game once its up!

    What if they are sleeping right now and we are just waiting for them to wake up?
    same thoughts lol