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  • What's the point if 2x Event become 0.2x Event

    It's already bad in previous Saturday/Sundays, now after 5th job a new loads of people want to farm symbol/nodes.

    The lag can be described as excruciating, adding the fact that some skills during heavy lag triggers hack alert, let you waste tons of 2x drop coupons/lucky winters, etc. (and Nexon won't refund those). and 2x drop coupon you bought from CS also got kinda wasted during most of the event time.

    Is Nexon gonna keep silent until after New Year?
    Upgrade server might be daydreaming, at least can you spread out the 2x event time more evenly across the weekdays during holiday seasons so it still possible for us to enjoy the Christmas? or at least fix the hack alert cause by heavy lag? How about making some whole day 2x drop (not exp) event so people don't cluster during each 3 hr time frame? Nexon has any brainstorming ?

  • Nexon is it so hard to ban hackers / spammers???

    Respect is earned, not granted.
    Some staff are respectable but doesn't means all others are.
    And by your tone, obviously you are a troll, so it's pointless to treat you seriously.
    Since you never read any other's comment before replying, you are not getting any respect here.

  • Nexon is it so hard to ban hackers / spammers???


    I like how it says we can't report hackers on forums now
    You have never been able to. When the code of conduct was moved over, it missed the naming-shaming rule, although it was still on the books (I have enforced and reiterated it several times). The subreddit does not allow it either (they refer to it as "witch-hunting").

    We do not allow it because people have, frankly, lied and faked evidence to get people banned. Moreover, we have official channels to report botters, and the forums are not that place. Accusing someone of hacking/scamming/harassment is a big claim, and wildly open to abuse, misunderstandings, and other problems.

    You're free to complain about bots, but naming specific players is not allowed.
    because people lied and faked evidence to get people banned means the legit people who report them cant do so no more ?
    and isn't it your job / GM's to find out who's lying and faking things ???????????????????? and deal with them accordingly
    if i wanted to witch hunt id play a different game, this game i played all my life and never seen so many hackers / botters before and ive reported many hackers and botters before so i know what i'm talking about i'm pretty sure it don't take a genius to watch a video and see who is actually hacking/botting specially if its your job to know these things i'm sure you can tell fake from real and if you not 100% sure then that's why GMs investigate ?

    Yes, and in case @Neospector has no idea who Sam016 is, he's one of the most well-known AND RESPECTED players in EMS (more well known than some Lv250s), who has helped numerous people.

    Of course you can lie and fake evidence (assume worst thing happen, a respectable reporter got hacked and impersonated), but is supervisor too stupid to figure out the truth? Photoshop might be easy, video editing, especially on a professional level is not. Lie or not, can't GM do his / her job INVESTIGATING the case promptly using whatever SMART method he/she has? stalk the reported hackers, identify, problem solved, not even need to touch database for analysis.

    Maybe some of your GMS people got institutionalised and numbed by the paradigm of GMS policy and suck it up?
    As long as large amount of conscious people rise up, it can shake the management team. It happened before in other company's forum.

    Common sense, some GMs in old EMS did a good job, or some student interns did even better, because they are ENTHUSIASTIC, PASSIONATE about Maple Story, they CARE about the game, instead of "some" (not all) people who would not give a damn because he/she is just make a living of it. How many of you would give a damn if many players suffered in a game you don't care , while you just need to follow standard procedures and receive your pay-check every month with minimum effort.

    I'm sure if Nexon NA get some good EMS GM back for good, it well be efficient enough. There shouldn't be any budget issue at all as many would even volunteer to do a proper job. Better game environment, more players, people stay happily, and donate Nexon money more willingly, win-win.
  • Nexon is it so hard to ban hackers / spammers???

    [Note, I'm in Luna]

    Currently the rate of hackers overtaking the maps is OUTRAGEOUS
    Mostly Blaze Wizard due to the naturally easy exploit of their skill coding I assume.
    And Nexon is not doing anything about it?

    They are virtually EVERYWHERE, yesterday I see ONE in EVERY CHANNEL the Colossus map area. 90% of them have irregular ign like dfllysilosll, certainly NOT "Innocent players", more like deliberate CRIMINALS.

    Before at least we have some GM (albeit most of them are not loved, they respond well to hacker reports)

    Technically how hard can it be? There seems to be NOT a SINGLE GM on the job patrolling the game.
    Friends and many others has been reporting over hundreds of them and to no avail.

    I can imagine it as an extremely easy job, either just one specialised GM (part time) with a help from a group of volunteers (with reputation) cruising through maps suspect-able for exploit, report and issue ban instantly. If Nexon is not capable of making a potent anti-hacking defence, at least serious invigilation can deter most of them?

    If this kind of trend is not controlled, MS is becoming hacker's heaven, no matter how you advertise your NX sale.

    Aside from hackers, numbers of spammers (meso-selling) also soar in fm, before merge usually around 2, now like 6-8, plus many in major towns.
    You can just walk right in the game and catch some hackers and spammers in ONE Minute.
    Even a child can do it, why cant Nexon assign any RESPONSIBLE GM TO HAMMERING DOWN CRIMINALS?
