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  • Nexon is it so hard to ban hackers / spammers???

    I'm just going to nicely and bluntly say that:
    They have lives. Most of the time, Nexon get massive emails/tickets whether its majorly important or not. They have to respond to every single one to help players out. Yes, they're all categorized in sections of how you Submit a Ticket but you have to understand that even so, it's still a lot of work. Especially since that's not also their priority role, there's other roles they have to do as well. It won't be forgotten, just let it take time. They have live chat as well, so if you're unsure about your report and you don't want to submit another one; just talk to them whenever the operating hours opens. I submitted a report on hacker that took at most 2 months, but I don't mind, at least they did it. That's what counts. Yes, quality is important. But depending on how many people are helping Nexon, it may vary. It could be 10 people with 10000000 tickets to work on. You just got to give them a break, for god sakes, they developed the game for you to play, while you sit on your butt all day to just play and chat. I apologize if that part was rude, but that's the truth. Unless you have a job and understand how this is like, then good, you should be able to know how tough this can be. As for evidence, usually, if its just scams/advertisement, screenshot is a good option. But like hacks and botting, it's best to use recording. It'll be helpful to see what is actually happening. But to end this all, give them a break. Be more patience. You're like a whiny baby asking for their milk/breast milk.

    I apologize once again if this offended anyone, but as I said I'm just being blunt.
    Seems you never read any post in this thread, Screenshot / Recording IS NOT WORKING, ever SINCE the merge (the born of LUNA)

    If you don't know, a lot of players playing maple are not babies, they are professionals, 30% players in our guild are engineers, I myself is a product designer.

    You need to be specific about what people are complaining and see how efficient the current system is.
    I really appreciated Nexon developers staff but the whole issue being discussed here is game policing, that is only part of service department of your 100000000 ticket (separated from billing, bug, loss etc.).

    Judging by the prevalent spammer/hackers and none seems to be deterred/banned, the system has major flaw, you gonna make staff more stressed due to backlogs, if nothing is being changed.

    If service team are truly tired, it means the system is not effective, they can introduce better / swift ban hammer.
    If there's total shortage of GM, suggest recruit more GOOD ones.
    If GM's team is ineffective, re-structure the management procedure.

    For example, simplest matter: anytime you enter henesys/fm tons of meso seller are present.
    Technically how difficult is to have any one patrolling those (random time) and hit ban button? Normal players can do it in matter of seconds.
    but of course, if Nexon NA is totally fine with Meso selling now, we can all shut up :)

  • Nexon is it so hard to ban hackers / spammers???

    Whether you care or not, I'm merely stating the fact that his report is, verified by numerous old players (over doznes), true (many tracked the named player down to witness).

    The point is: if GM is not doing his/her job properly or there's some fishy business, you and I both know it. This will only get worse as more and more players witness the malicious cycle currently GMS has. If any GM worry about lying, is it really life-challenging to simply track the most reported high profile player down and verify it? Nope?

    If Nexon is in staff shortage, they should let us know and issue some statement so we can all understand the situation. (working hard on 5th job is not GM's job is it?)

    The rules will only be truly respected if the company is doing their job properly, otherwise why do you think people flood this thread to vent their frustration? (most of them are NOT drama queen). If official report channels are all ineffective (as stated by many above), what do you suggest we do? suck it up or travel to Nexon HQ to protest? More people will lose motivation to charge NX, lose for Nexon.

    Yes, catching criminals is a job for the police, but when police is corrupt or bureaucratic (like in many countries, even in UK people laugh at the justice system), people went on street to demonstrate and some would succumb to pressure from the public to rectify their problem.

    Ofc, there other other ways people tried in the past that might be effective, such as contact higher management team via Linkedin and facebook (professionally), but those are last resort.
  • Nexon is it so hard to ban hackers / spammers???

    [Note, I'm in Luna]

    Currently the rate of hackers overtaking the maps is OUTRAGEOUS
    Mostly Blaze Wizard due to the naturally easy exploit of their skill coding I assume.
    And Nexon is not doing anything about it?

    They are virtually EVERYWHERE, yesterday I see ONE in EVERY CHANNEL the Colossus map area. 90% of them have irregular ign like dfllysilosll, certainly NOT "Innocent players", more like deliberate CRIMINALS.

    Before at least we have some GM (albeit most of them are not loved, they respond well to hacker reports)

    Technically how hard can it be? There seems to be NOT a SINGLE GM on the job patrolling the game.
    Friends and many others has been reporting over hundreds of them and to no avail.

    I can imagine it as an extremely easy job, either just one specialised GM (part time) with a help from a group of volunteers (with reputation) cruising through maps suspect-able for exploit, report and issue ban instantly. If Nexon is not capable of making a potent anti-hacking defence, at least serious invigilation can deter most of them?

    If this kind of trend is not controlled, MS is becoming hacker's heaven, no matter how you advertise your NX sale.

    Aside from hackers, numbers of spammers (meso-selling) also soar in fm, before merge usually around 2, now like 6-8, plus many in major towns.
    You can just walk right in the game and catch some hackers and spammers in ONE Minute.
    Even a child can do it, why cant Nexon assign any RESPONSIBLE GM TO HAMMERING DOWN CRIMINALS?
