Could we get Wild Totems of Varying times or at the very least an ability to Pause the totem so that we don't lose the value of our totems?
if Varying timed totems I'd like to suggest doing them like the exp coupons.
15m/30m/1h/2h etc
if Pauseable totems I'd suggest it be done like the auto play in Maplestory M where you recharge it.
we get a button to press that will activate the totem but we can charge it using a "shard/fragment" that extends the time we can totem for by 15m/30m/1h/2h etc
but could pause it when we want to take a break.
Couldn't tell you how many totems I've had to waste due to real world things or just in general getting tired within the 1st hour of my totem and literally start dozing off in the middle of my totem.
Another suggestion for this I'd like to make is that the totems be automatic and not a skill to activate every 2 minutes. My very first totem I pretty much wasted because I didn't know to reactivate it constantly haha but that's on me.