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Check out the v.253 - MapleStory x BUGCAT CAPOO Patch Note Patch Notes here!
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  • Remove the Sol Erda Cap

    This game has done multiple things in the past to upset players, but this patch has to be the biggest and most ignorant in the games history. Everyone joked about how disconnected NexonNA was from its players, but this has truly shown their intentions and understanding of the game. This system not only punishes people who want to grind more than just dailies for 30 minutes, but limits players who can only spend time on the game on select days throughout the week. Looking towards the non-reboot servers, NexonNA goes as far as to censor any mention of a certain pay to win item that may or may not increase spawn rate and amount of spawn on a map because it is presumably heavily nerfed with the instanced maps they introduced in this patch. Even ignoring these aspects of the game, in the test server streams of Bean Brigade members, we see that they have nerfed the white jade box ring drop from certain bosses to be rings that range of levels 1-4 instead of 3-4 exclusively. All of these changes were swept under the rug and not shown in the community patch preview, which was more than likely scheduled on a Friday late into the work day on purpose to ignore backlash until the following workday next week. This company has done very shady things in the past, and ignored a lot of the player base's concerns and suggestions regarding the game, but this has to be the biggest failure of a patch in the game's history. Please reconsider the changes that differ from Korea's version of Maplestory(KMS) as they hurt every type of player from the hardcore grinders to the casual daily players and will overall encourage players to quit the game instead of enjoying their time with new content they were so hyped for.