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  • A case for Jett, Please reconsider it's removal!

    Why are we a non-kms exclusive class to begin with? Why is GMS only capable of importing content from other regions and not the other way around? We got some cool **** too!!

    Wouldn't it be better to take all the non-kms exclusive classes (Jett, Hayato, Kanna, Beast Tamer), combine their factions into one package(call it Stellar Detectives, Overseas, or w/e) and pitch it for a KMS launch with a complete revamp/remaster series, just like Explorers + Cygnus?
    Have their entire kit recoded from the ground up to fit the KMS design standard and provide them with a proper balance team?

    Sure this is an unrealistic unicorn fever dream but not only does this give KMS a whole new faction/event to play with, but it'll also give a HUGE sigh of relief for all existing non-kms classes that their classes and their immeasurable investment to their characters aren't a complete waste of time.

    These classes are unique, they play like no other, have one of the most hardcore fanbases, and have so much potential to live up to, it be an absolute waste to trash it all and sour your community even further.

    Deleting Jett will destroy, or is currently destroying, all the faith we have in our current exclusives. Can you believe that it’s an actual recommendation to not play ANY of the non-kms classes purely because the community has no faith in their future? What kind of MMO encourages this??

    Also, even if it's inevitable, it's insane that we have only one chance to like our transfers. Sure we have the rest of the year to decide, but some of us invested years' worth of dailies to build up a respective arcane force + sacred force. If it doesn't work then all that goes to waste. No point in maining a class you don't enjoy.