I don't have any artwork for it yet, but I do have an idea.
"Epic High-Five"
Story: The Maple Alliance and Heliseum Reclamation team of Grandis are working on personalized technology for … (more)inter-dimensional travel between the two known dimensions, Maple World and Grandis (In case anything ever happens to the existing inter-dimensional portals). The program has been called "The High-Five Project" The technology is mostly finished, but in order to test it without attracting the attention of the Black Mage or his commanders, an isolated pocket universe must be created for both of the volunteer test subjects to travel to (There would be much more risk in testing if you don't know where in the other world the opposite portal might be, and it could be noticed. The Entry portal can be placed with much more control, and with a controlled finite environment like a pocket universe, you can much more easily set fixed points for the corresponding exit portals)
Quest Details: The pocket universe will require its own elements of time and space in order to exist
Items needed: Rock of Time/X amount of Piece of Time (Dropped by {Pink Bean, Arkarium} /Temple of Time Mobs) <-Element of time Dream Stone/X amount of Dream Fragment (Dropped by {Mihile, Oz, Irena, Eckhart, Hawkeye} / Door to the Future Mobs) <-Element of an isolated space (I'd elaborate more on this, but I don't want to post spoilers) Dark Tacheon (Dropped by Papulatus in Ludibrium) <-Element of physics/time-space binding
Alternatively, the rarer drops from the temple of time and the door to the future could be replaced with quest drops from mobs in those areas (Fragments of time and isolated space). (I think the Dark Tacheon should be required either way because the Ludibrium dungeon is a masterpiece, and the quest line for Papulatus is much shorter now anyway)
If necessary, it could be converted to yet another "Collect x items from mobs around your level" quest, I suppose.
Quest Rewards: High-Five Chair: Maple World x1 High-Five Chair: Grandis x1 Either give both chairs or have the player choose one I did consider having the quest be job-specific, but a vast majority of the jobs are linked to Maple World as opposed to a few in Grandis, and Kinesis doesn't seem to really fall in either group.
Each of the two chairs would be part of a bigger image, both of them would have the player in a space suit flying into the pocket universe from portals to high-five the other player. A visible stylized light trail left by the flight of the suit would be visible (leading from the portal to the suit) and the pocket universe would appear to be in outer space. The main differences between the two chairs would be the style of the suit (Maple World themed vs Grandis Themed), the color of the trail left behind by the suit (Neon Pink/Red for Maple World and Neon Blue for Grandis) and the world visible in the portal. Ideally, they should be designed so that players can mix and match them if they want to (One of each or two of the same one should fit together)
I figured the idea could work pretty well even if it does take a while for the chair to make it into the game, as it won't be too directly connected to the V update while still using the fact that it is an update across all of the jobs, and the growing connection between Maple World and Grandis, while still adding a nod to the V Update and 5th job by referencing the number five, and using some of the visual theme from the update (mainly, the neon/futuristic/space theme).
One last think to note, is this is still in the drafting phase, so feedback is appreciated. (less)