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  • Patch v244 Kanna Balance Feedback

    Kanna is a class I love very much and have been playing since Reboot's start and it's really unfortunate what they did to Kanna in this patch. I've been watching the Kanna community through a myriad of outlets and have seen nothing but negativity and pessimistic attitudes towards the class after the nerfs they experienced in Destiny patch. Most were excited (and even hopeful) after the recent Ezrabell twitch clip (Link) where Kanna changes were mentioned because it's been over a year since devs promised to "...increase the performance of Kanna's other skills[,] make convenience improvements[...] and monitor actual gameplay data" (Link). However, all hopes were dashed as they found out the changes were a nerf to their party-play, causing some to even be kicked from their parties (Link) as they aren't useful anymore since they already had their damage removed a year ago and domain was their last saving grace.

    As it stands, there are now supports in the game like Dawn Warrior and Blaze Wizard who have party buffs comparable to Kanna's Domain that equate to 15% (Link) and 19% (Link) final damage respectively, but differ in that they are 100% uptime buffs while Domain has an awkward 196 second cooldown, seemingly arbitrarily set longer than 180 seconds. This causes their damage amplification to actually be stronger than that of Kanna's as they are still active during off-burst scenarios, coupled with the fact that these are classes with considerable damage when compared to Kanna. With these changes Kanna has moved down the totem pole of support classes, and future parties will recruit supportive classes that are able to hold their own in terms of damage. This is even more likely with New Age and Sixth Job arriving as end game bosses cannot be bound without an Origin skill (Link), meaning Kanna's other prominent party-play bossing skill in their 15 second duration bind is essentially nerfed too since there is no longer any benefit in letting a Kanna be the primary binder anymore, meaning there will be even less incentive to form parties with a Kanna.

    However this doesn't need to be the end. We all knew that Domain had to get hit eventually because it was 33% final damage with no stat requirement, rivaling that of Bishop's Benediction with a 70k INT requirement to reach the same final damage boost (Link). With this nerf to Domain's party benefits, devs will hopefully be able to monitor Kanna accurately since numbers have been artificially inflated in terms of party composition due to people running bosses with Kanna mules solely for Domain (Link). Now Kanna doesn't provide the party with essentially "free" 33% final damage and will instead be forgone for a support class that both buffs and does damage. This would be the perfect time to give Kanna the compensation buffs they need to even be in the same playing field as the other supports.