fixes required:
-yuki not casting when pressed (consumes mana but does not summon)
-barriers not casting when pressed (does not consume mana but just doesn't work)
-revert nodestone change that lowered the damage on boost nodes or instead give that "missing" damage to the skills themselves or passively as FD
-the mana cost for vanquishers is a little too steep and should be lowered to ~20/tick instead of 40/tick
-shikigami charm (upjump) should have its cooldown removed or lowered to 2s
-lower the cooldown on kishin as when farming it may go down before the cd is up
-shikigami haunting should be changed to a 1 tap skill instead of a 3 tap (similar to AB)
- IED and crit rate should be introduced into the classes skills as they are very low and cost resources into bringing those stats up instead of getting matt% or BD%