Sol Erda Daily Cap: With 6th job comes a new currency that players need to farm to level up their 6th job skills. In the GMS test server, it is shown that through grinding you can only get 400 Sol Erda energy per day. That combined with the daily, you can only get 1000 Sol Erda energy per day (20 minutes of farming) and that's it. This means that GMS players will take 1 year 8 months of dailies to max out 6th job if you miss ZERO days. KMS does NOT have this restriction. KMS players can farm 1000+ Sol Erda Energy per hour unlimited times just by regular farming. REMOVE THE CAP.
Maplestory Censoring: In the Friday livestream, the moderators censored "Frenzy Totem" and "Red Familiar Cards" in its different forms (FZ totem, Red Fams cards, etc). All four livestream hosts could 100% see that the community wanted answers to Frenzy Totem or Red fam cards, but actively avoided the topic the entire 1 hour live stream. Invites to the Official Maplestory Discord is currently paused (probably due to this outrage).Nexon is aware of the potential backlash but is hoping to wait out the outrage.