Sorry that it's very poorly drawn, I lack artistic abilities. Description: Well anyways, there's a big grand chair in the middle; neon blue outline, and very shiny. Then there's … (more)the big 'V' right behind the chair, it has a neon outline, then inside there's a shiny silver, then inside of that there's a lot of neon blue. At the 2 tops of the 'V' there are fireworks shooting out. Like in the picture that was very poorly drawn there are the 5 Cygnus knights; Mihile and Oz on the left, and Irena and Hawkeye on the right, and Ekhart in the middle of the 'V' while also on top of the chair peeking at you. The heroes and other Maple characters, even the monsters, having fun and commemorating you. (If possible) And around everything there's lightning and outer space. Also, put a crown on top of the mapler sitting on the chair, if this chair makes it into the game. (If possible)
You obtain the chair either just for logging in during a certain period of time, or most likeley for reaching 5th job. The story of this chair is that it was created by every class in the game, just for you, for reaching such a milestone.