than just some overly safe PR response in attempt to appease them.
Release some numbers if you want the community to trust that you’re doing something. Something like:
“Hey Maplers,
We’re still working on a concrete fix for the issues some of you are having with your Kannas. While we cannot go into more revealing details, we can share some numbers with you.
Over ‘A’ accounts have been banned as a result of these Kanna issues.
‘B’ players have submitted tickets to have their cases reviewed. Out of these, ‘C’ players have been released as false positives and ‘D’ players’ bans have been confirmed as hackers/exploiters.
We’re sorry for any frustration or farming/training delays these issues have caused. Rest assured, that we are hard at work to resolve these as quickly and painlessly as possible.”
You're good at that. Man they should give you a job.... Again (less)
The way you word things is so roundabout, I get you can't really do anything as a CM but at least respect the community enough to give it to us straight.
If anything what you wrote here … (more)should make players feel more paranoid to play a Kanna, seeing as all you said was yeah there's a lot of Kanna bans. (less)