Server lag is caused by the delay of packets/frames to and fro nexon's low budget servers, it isn't caused by your computer being low grade (which these days is more than enough for maple's requirement). Game freezes and crashes however can be caused by spaghetti code. I doubt 'images and videos' are the cause of the lag, it's really just nexon's buffer being overloaded on some servers.
Why does it bother you so much if a few people who would rather play in a low-population world, get to do so?
Because you'll make a thread about how unfair it is that you can't play bingo due to low participation and demand nexon NA to fix it asap. Face it, all of our stuff is recycled from KMS which makes its content on the assumption that there is at least half the capacity of the server playing the game. The problem with people wanting low population servers is that there is simply not enough players in our region to go around. You and dark passenger et al. expect low population servers to be stable when it'll just be dead as a dodo.