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Member, Private Tester
November 12, 1992
  • LF> Active (at European times) GM for Luna!

    I didn't know where to post this, so here goes.

    Hey all, Landén from Luna here, this is my issue:

    We from EMS is used to have botters and meso sellers banned rather swiftly, but as soon as the migration happened it went out of control completely.
    We lost all of our GM's and as far as I know we have no active GM in Luna right now.

    Currently we have 3 high-leveled players on the rankings that are 100% botting, one being a Night Lord that got 240 (lvl 243 now) in 2-3 days. Trust me, I know how frustrating it is to climb the rankings trying to get as high up as possible and then get passed, but you fought back and did your best to pass the player that had passed you.
    However, getting passed by a botter just destroys your motivation completely.

    Right now we have a botter in almost every channel in places like Stone Colossus and definitely in the Mu Lung area (around 8-10 Blaze Wiz botters in every channel!).
    We have tons of meso sellers in Henesys, FM and other places. We even have a dude called "Reseller" that have used smega's to advertise meso selling since we migrated. Every day. MANY times a day.

    We Europeans are not satisfied with these standards, we want our EMS standards back, we want GM's that are actively there during "European times", GM's that socialize with the community, and most important, GM's that get rid of illegit players. Right now it feels like we traded newer faster content for a crappy/non-existent service.

    PS. Having a GM event 1 AM to 5 AM on a Monday morning is not very nice

    Thank you for reading this and be sure to comment if you agree with me.

    Edit: I removed the videos to hopefully not get the post removed ^^'
  • Coming from EMS? Introduce yourself here!

    Hello everyone! :D

    I'm Jonathan, a 24 year old guy from Sweden, also called Jonte or Jon.
    I main a level 250 Luminous, and I'm also the player that reached level 250 first in Europe.
    I started playing MapleStory when beta came out in GMS. Mained an I/L Wizard in Windia, reached the incredible level of 18 before EMS came out.
    I have since then played 7 years on and off, a few months here, a few months there, before returning back completely 2-3 years ago.
    I hope that this migration will be a good thing for both communities, and if you decide to visit Luna, I hope you enjoy your stay :)
    Also, if I were to play a bit for fun in one of the other worlds, which one should I pick? (I'm leaning towards Windia atm)

    PS. It would be nice if we could get a GM list of the new GM's in Luna.