A more direct question: why is hacking given potentially as light of a ban as 2 weeks? I have seen many players using hacks to attack the entire map, and farm nodes/elite drops only get 2-4 week bans. This length of time seems more appropriate to a macro botter (that is a bot that doesn't hack).
As another asked already. How is downloading third party programs that are obviously not allowed given such leniency?
While we're on the topic of hacking bots... these "players" eventually have to sell their ill gotten gains. Is there any effort to see where these accounts are funneling their items and banning their sales front? There are frequently obvious hacker shops in the fm and even when reported nothing is done about them, or if there is it's far too late to be effective.
There's also now suspicious transactions in the auction house. Is this being looked into? People are selling valueless etc items such as shrimp from aquaroad for billions. This is likely a new "safe" way to sell mesos. We can't report the players because there are no names in the auction house...
Why is it that when we ask livechat to check on a player who is hacking "right this moment" no one actually checks on them? It seems like it should be a priority when you know you will catch them in the act. They may not be hacking when you check 3+ days later.
Dreamdefender 2x coin event. The opening of the new dreamdefender quest starts with double coin rates but the maintenance caused us to lose the first day of this event and many people are still not able to participate in the second day due to channel crashes. This event is only two weeks long to begin with and we've lost 2/14 days so far...
Takeover event - it had extra days built in but it disappeared 5+ days early. You could try to bring this back or simply compensate people the missing boxes.
Omega Sector opening event - there's been lots of time for this it's probably fine to let it be.
Latte event / Legends return / Eluna related events - Someone else can feel free to comment on this one as it only started. If it has extra days built in it's probably fine to leave it as is.
Party punk / slime chairs - these are not limited by daily quests and won't need to be extended.
Sengoku - many people have been asking for additional entry ticket compensation but simply extending the event 2+ days will cover the lost entries in the same way.
If I missed any or you have other thoughts feel free to speak up