I mean... Kanna is the strongest class in the game. Is missing out on 8 INT and 5 M.ATT really going to be the defining factor that makes them "good"? And what do you mean, getting nerfed … (more)over and over? They were BUFFED. Vanquisher's Charm is great burst and charges Domain even faster than before. (less)
Please, god, this. Getting through the "kill 200 of everything" slog is miserable and having to do it 3 different times sucks. Funny enough, the second you complete it, the bosses zip by in no time.
I don't see why you had to quote the ENTIRE thread for a single sentence response. Also, the point was to take existing arguments on fixes and try to objectively provide the benefits and … (more)detriments they would bring, along with potential changes that would further aid those particular points reach their desired effect. (less)
if Nexon or whoever internally is responsible for maplestory, has ever considered the notion of a complete recode of the game to ensure longevity from a performance and stability standpoint (And fixing the seg faults). Of course, this would be a monumental task and require weeks if not months to complete. But I really would be interested to see if a lot of the problems they are having could be ironed out by such a decision.
From a business perspective, why would they invest money into something that's making them so much money while it's still a mess and everyone on every server constantly complains and demands transparency/quality of life changes that'll never come? That's all pocketed cash they don't need to spend.
from her decision, and sometimes people take it too far with being toxic while attempting to express things. She could be obliged to fulfill satisfaction from some people who expect her to combat the problem of the game that lasted during the days SavageAce was here. But I believe this game is getting out of control, and my feeling for this has intensified as I have heard a lot of players having struggles ever logging into the game in the first place. It is time for Anna to be either more considerate about this game or put in more efforts to improve the devs if they ever turn out to be an equivalent or more relevant group to improve this game.
Nexon, as a company, has never been transparent from the very top. They barely listen to their own players in KMS, so it's logical that they'd give even less of a crap about GMS when we're only roughly 5% of the total profit of the entire game. They're not interested in what the players have to say, only what they assume will increase their profit margins, and it's incredibly disappointing. However, I don't believe anything will change, as Korean companies are notorious for being as transparent with information as a brick wall. (less)