The long and short of it is that we're such a small fraction of Nexon's overall profits that they have absolutely no reason to care about anything we have to say or do. We're pocket change … (more)to Nexon and they've never once cared about the playerbase or making us happy. The only thing they see in us is some side profit and will do whatever they can to maximize soulless metrics like player retention and time online and pretend like that means their servers are succeeding. (less)
KMS wanted the Black Mage badge to be the most viable one without realizing that 99.5% of the entire playerbase of the game will ever even get to the point of clearing out Limina, let … (more)alone doing the actual fight and getting the badge itself. Even with the pottable badges, they would still most likely never reach that point. KMS is completely out of touch with what our community is like and the realistic amount of people who will reach endgame bosses like Lucid and beyond. Making people weaker so they have to play longer doesn't work when a vast majority of the playerbase isn't even going to get that far at all, so it makes no sense to make everything harder to get or to remove pottable badges entirely. It wasn't hurting anyone, and now it unfairly benefits legacy players while making newer players feel like they've missed out and can never hope to catch up in terms of damage.
Trust me, that feeling of hopelessness is incredibly strong when it comes to whether or not people will remain playing your game. If they feel like their effort has no point, they won't make an effort and they'll simply leave. (less)
The strain on the servers isn't because Kishin is making the spawn rates faster or increasing the amount of mobs. The strain on the servers is because there are so many people playing 2+ … (more)accounts at the same time because it's the only real option they have in terms of progression because you can either train/farm incredibly slow and shoot yourself in the foot, or you can use your 15 hours a month of totems which are incredibly unfriendly to get and don't do anything to solve the overall problems. Mix that with Star Force being double the cost as KMS and Kishin becomes mandatory for anyone looking to progress to being able to do anything of real value in less than a YEAR of non-stop daily play.
While I understand they want to increase player engagement and keep people coming back, we're not the KMS community. A vast majority of players on GMS still consider 200 an achievement and 220 an even greater one. Getting max Arcane Force takes a full year of daily engagement already, and with endgame maps needing 880+ AF on both your main character AND a Kanna mule (that you essentially have to build from the ground up as a second main account just to be able to reach the point of efficiently training to 275), there's absolutely no shortage of actual player retention for the hardcores.
If they simply made spawn rate increasing effects more accessible to EVERY class in a way that's not totems, or reworking totems to be unlimited and more easily accessible, or making it a link skill, or making it a V Node like Holy Symbol, etc, then the need to make Kishin mules would immediately evaporate and half of the characters logged on would disappear. Servers would become much more stable without having so many characters online all the time (ESPECIALLY Reboot), and they wouldn't have to struggle and fight with the various non-KMS code to fix spawn rates while creating unforseen glitches and bugs everywhere else. The best option is to give it the Holy Symbol treatment and make it accessible for everyone, not nerf it into the ground and hurt literally every other class that's NOT a Kanna. That's so counterintuitive and so unbelievably backwards when they've fixed 2PC meta in the past with Decent Holy Symbol as a line on gear, Decent Holy Symbol as a V Node... (less)
Strongest class ingame by far gets a well-deserved nerf, everybody goes apeshit
I'm gonna translate what this guy is saying: I don't like kanna, so nexon should deleted it because it hurts my feelings.(less)
His argument is that people are simply lazy because they don't want to NOT use it, which completely misses the point on why everyone needs to use it and doesn't address the myriad other problems that have been swept under the rug for years upon years.