staff: We're going to close the old forums entirely. staff: Suggestions or feedback? players: We want to keep the old forums because history (bugs/glitches)… (more) can repeat itself. We're not too fond of the old forums closing. staff: How dare these players have a negative outlook on this topic. The old forums are irrelevant to *me*, so why are people against it?! players: Please don't remove the old forums entirely. There are threads that we treasure to this day! staff: Okay fine go copy and paste old threads yourself then. players: ...
Sometimes logical intelligence is not enough. Emotional intelligence plays a big part in handling a community. I hope to see better days on these forums. (less)
1) Will we get an extension on the Play V Rewards event? (Since many players got screwed over by the long maintenances and early reset times). 2) When will reset times be changed? The time … (more)is currently a pain for PST/EST players; it's much too early. I mean, that's your biggest player base right there..
For god's sake Nexon, please change it back to 12am PST or whatever it was. People who work 9-5 jobs are getting screwed out of events so hard. Or maybe you've just stopped caring since the main thread died down? (less)