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  • Server Event Time Change - UTC

    Arwoo wrote: »
    We're currently working to address issues of content being inaccessible due to being time sensitive.
    We'll be sure to let Maplers know once we have the solution ready.

    I appreciate this, but you're completely disregarding half the problem. EMS merged into GMS, so why does GMS have to use EMS's timezone? It's like requiring the entirity of the United States to learn French, as opposed to a French immigrant learning English. It makes no sense that the vast majority of GMS's population in America should have to conform to a small minority.

    Moreso, players can't even trust that times will be consistent in the future, so saying "we'll make times consistent" has little weight in fixing the problem. GMS never had problems like timezone consistency with PST. Wouldn't it be easier for Nexon to not have to deal with it too? If they really want, they could still add the conversions for UTC on event pages and everything.

    Creating consistency will still leave American players unsatisfied, due to the inconvenience of reset, 2x times, etc. In PST, or even EST, players would have the whole day to do dailies and reset-dependent things, while in UTC, half the day people are waiting for reset, the other half, with less time actually doing things. Why should it have to be tomorrow for 4-8 hours of the day for the majority of the population? Another thing is the unnecessary process of having to convert UTC to PST or EST times in game.

    I don't know which timezone you personally want, but the majority of players would feel far more comfortable with an American based timezone. I highly suggest that you reconsider this decision and would request that you inform Nexon that just creating consistency isn't enough. The issue of UTC is not only about consistency. It's about deciding which part of the playerbase Nexon values more: the majority in America, or the minority European population. In situations like this, it is of everyone's best interest to satisfy the largest amount of people possible. UTC was a mistake, and has caused several problems for everyone.
  • The new maplestory achievements and goals thread

    Leveled to 230 at moon bunnies, 4.2m range, cleared both Lotus and Damien, have all of my endgame equipment including Absolab 3 set, main node almost maxed. All this without any more than 40% meso (I don't farm), having played my main since January 2016, and Reboot in general since December 2015.
    Done about everything I could want here, so planning to make a new main, or play on non Reboot to experience progression there.
  • Please release Zero in Reboot

    Nexon has previously stated that there are no plans to release Zero in Reboot, but I would request that this be reconsidered. The conditions of the server have changed, and the class can be easily adjusted to make it compatible with and balanced in this server.

    Some of the reasons people would want Zero in Reboot are:
    • They would like to play in a non pay to win environment. While one can get by in non Reboot without having to pay, progression goes very slowly without it.
    • Zero's character card and link skills have very useful effects. The link skill gives 2/4/6/8/10% ignore defense and 3/6/9/12/15% damage reduction and the character card gives 4/6/8/10% EXP. The character card would help immensely with the grind in Reboot, whether it be link skills or training past 200, while the link skill would be very useful for optimizing stats for bosses.
    • Zero isn't particularly strong compared to other classes. While they are more a guideline than an accurate determination of a class's strength, DPM charts have placed them in the lower half of all classes.
    • Many players would find the combo based gameplay enjoyable.
    • Players that have friends in Reboot, but want to main Zero would not have to leave or be away from them to enjoy the class.
    • NX customization with having essentially 2 characters in 1.

    I'll also address some reasons people might not want Zero in Reboot:
    • Starting at level 100 - This isn't an issue, as getting to 100 is easy. If anything, there could be a system placed that requires a level 100 character on the server to make a Zero.
    • KMS Reboot does not have Zero, so we should not expect it - They don't have Zero, but KMS is not in any way completely aligned with GMS in terms of content. For example, they don't have Gollux or Ghost Ship badge, while we're missing their flames in favour of nebulites. etc. Whether or not they have it should not have any effect on it become available here.
    • Zero is an incentive to play on normal servers - A good amount of the population moved to Reboot when it released. It doesn't make as much money as paying to win, of course, but this should not be a reason to keep Zero out of this server. The complications that would arise from a release in Reboot can be adjusted to better suit the server's environment.
    • Zero gets free level 160 weapons - This is true, but essentially what they get is a sweetwater without the set. Without set effects, the extra base stats and potential tier are all left, so this shouldn't be an issue of them being "overpowered" in Reboot. Many people already have endgame or late game setups with CRA sets and Absolab. Boss runs are also very common now, and with guilds, it can be considerably easy to obtain this equipment. In no way will Zeros be so far ahead as assumed with these weapons.
    • Zero's weapon cubing system - This only goes up to unique by itself and cubes cost mesos in Reboot, so this is not an issue. If Nexon wants, they could remove this.

    I understand that there were no plans to release Zero in Reboot, but please consider doing so.
  • Re:Zero Thoughts & suggestions on the "cash grab"

    I had my expectations for this event as well, and I do have some NX saved for this. It is a bit disappointing, but might as well see how it goes anyway. The non Re:Zero stuff is what gets me. This isn't supposed to be just another themed style box. It's an event that we may never see again.
  • Please keep P2W out of Reboot

    Because apparently
    Knowingly buying random style boxes that Nexon never said would be guaranteed in any way and don't give any stats whatsoever is ripping people off and is more important than the topic of this thread, enough so to warrant a derailment of it.