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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers
Might be a while until we get this.
I know we did this before and I like to see it again.
Devil Wolf Seduction Hat
I will pay however much NX it takes to get these two items Arwoo pls
They also added 3 of 6 styles you requested, not bad!
Good update! Thanks Arwoo.
-permanent invisible shield
-permanent nerd glasses
-permanent aviator shades
-permanent allerigical reaction
-permanent kissstamp
-permanent emotes
-permanent tigertail cape
-permanent white beanie
-permanent bubbling slippers
i could add few more, those would be a pleasure tho.
anyways i still think it'd be awesome to make all items permanent buyable.
From left to right:
Sweet Fairy Hair(F) Luxurious Locks(F) Kai Hair(M)
Queen's Evening Party(F) Frost Staff King's Banquet(M)
Also, that male face in the picture called Constant Surprise which is basically a single color odd eyes looks great too!
Besides these, I would also recommend Spring Scene Set:
Please please please, if you like these styles as well, give it a like so that it has a better chance of getting updated soon!!!!
Just found out it is in our DB!
I'm kinda confused... Isn't that Maplestory.Design?
What that does is it basically extract what is available in our patch right now, so if it's in there, it should be an option already for them to cycle. You see it even has a name already.
Perm NX Covers suggestions for coupons or premium box:
- Bright Eyes
(last eyes)
- Transparent Covers
(these and others)
- Jay's Sterilized Kitty Eye Patch
I know the last 2 were already suggested, but just putting them here as they were also on my wish list!
Thanks again!
It really is nice to see the guys get some love this week. So many great styles for them, and while I only like one of the female hairs this week, i remember seeing these others be requested so it's nice to see that come to fruition.
Would still love to see the new mohican and double french braids. they are my number 1
Thank you Arwoo.
OMG i would love to finally have the ears for the spring scene set and those hairs are adorable.
Would like to request the following:
Yokai Hair
Furtive Smile Face
Damien Overall
Cat Set Hat / Mr. K's Cat Hat
I'm definitely down for this... I would also add Hazy Night Tassel to these!
It is the scraf on the first character ^^
Oh I would also love to see the idol ribbon snapback and the concert muse to be updated!