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Look of the Month - June


  • MukuroMukuro
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited June 2017

    Close up:



    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    It's basically a combination of anvilled items (which i had to level a Hayato and go through the questline to get) and cash items.
    -Fearless Warrior's Helm (Hayato Hat)
    -Ice Cold Red (Face Acc)
    -Transparent Cape & Eye Acc
    -Beaded Cross Earrings
    -White Ghostly Cloth (Glove)
    -Akatsuki's Dark Suit (Overall)
    -Fearless Warrior's Shoes (Hayato Shoes)
    -V Label Ring
    -Sharktooth Wild Talon (Weapon)

    What look you're going for (theme):
    Since Shade was debuted as a martial arts based spirit warrior, I wanted to design a "kung fu" style look for him which absorbed elements from the anime Naruto. Initially the idea was to make him look somewhat like Minato the 4th Hokage which explains the hairstyle and the pet fox (Kurama)
  • MoisturbateMoisturbate
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    edited June 2017
    Image: CqdJ2XeARqSWSDhFaD92Eg.png
    IGN: Moisturbate

    World: Reboot

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    • Cape Beret (F)
    • Flutter-sleeve Bell Suit
    • Bloody Heels (F)
    • Noble Maple Cape
    • Butterfly Staff
    • Transparent: Shield, Eye, Gloves
    • Umbral Earrings
    • Blush

    What look you're going for (theme):
    A Korean Pinkish Idol listening to a fan singing a cover of their song at the mall.
  • KittenCoalitionKittenCoalition
    Reactions: 1,720
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    edited June 2017
    Image :


    IGN : Akarín

    World : Renegades

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    • Akarin's Flowery Dress
    • Akarin's Flowery Shoes
    • Pink Floating Ribbon
    • Dollish Pink

    Hairstyle / Face :
    • Red Wolf Tail Hair (F)
    • Bright Eyes (Amethyst)

    What look you're going for (theme):
    June. A hot and sweaty month. Apparently, June is also considered to be a romantic month as well. You know what else is romantic? The colour : Pink! Pink is my favorite colour, and I somehow wanted to reflect that on my character! Uh..... Yeah. That's probably why I have a pink colour scheme Look, I don't have a single clue as to what I'm supposed to be saying, okay?.

    I also had a fair interest in Japanese Folklore when creating the set, which may be an inspiration for the japonesque appearance. The hairstyle may (or may not) be a reference to the mythological interpretation of foxes, or "Kitsune (狐 or きつね)", in Japanese Folklore. Kitsune are said to be very clever, and have the ability to shapeshift into a human form (> suggesting someone is clever haha funny joke).

    Cherry Blossoms can be found in shades of pink (cough cough like my set), and actually have some bittersweet meanings behind them. They symbolize how beautiful and spectacular life can be, but also how fragile it can become. It serves as a reminder that, no matter how nice things may seem, one day, they shall be forgotten (Like my entry!.... Okay. Fine. I get it. I'll stop using strikethroughs.).

    > insert weeb comment xd

    Disclaimer : Pink is NOT my favorite colour.
    Reactions: 620
    Post: 1
    edited June 2017
    Image: : 90POcSv.png


    World: : Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing: : i am wearing something i dont really know what they are called

    Hairstyle / Face : ye idk what they are called

    What look you're going for (theme) : ye not really sure but the background i love this mu lung place so peaceful.
  • JacketsJackets
    Reactions: 440
    Posts: 10
    edited June 2017

    IGN: Jackets

    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing:

    Rocket Hat
    Rocket Outfit
    Puffram Gloves

    What look you're going for (theme):

    The little rocket that could

    In times of great economic depression and political chaos there was one shimmer of hope on the horizon. The little rocket that left behind his problems and sorrows in the maple world to fulfill his dream and take off into space.
  • Holas2Holas2
    Reactions: 860
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    edited June 2017


    IGN: Holas

    World: Renegrades

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    White Night Horns
    White Night Tattoo
    White Night Outfit
    White Night Sandals
    Snowflake umbrella
    Ink and Wash rings

    What look you're going for (theme):

    The guardian of Hieizan Temple
  • lolatverololatvero
    Reactions: 1,380
    Posts: 25
    edited June 2017

    IGN: Oujo

    World: Scania

    Short description of what your character is wearing:

    - Hat: Flower Morning Garden
    - Face Acc: Ice Cold Red
    - Earring: Single Earring
    - Overall: Pious Shaman Robes
    - Shoes: Pious Shaman Stockings
    - Glove: Burning Ghost Wristband
    - Cape: Snowflake Umbrella
    - Weapon: Ice Flower
    - Ring: Angel Label Ring

    What look you're going for (theme):
    The theme I am going for is an Ice-Princess look; Japanese style. I went for this look based on the job of my character, Ice Lightning Mage and my IGN, Oujo. In Japanese, the word Oujo means princess. Hence, the theme Ice-Princess. I tried to incorporate the two to the best of my abilities by finding a map with either ice or snow, and by adding Japanese elements for the outfit. I decided to go with a map in Temple of Time because of the ice glaciers. I also added a twist by using my 5th job skill "Ice Age" (Picture on the left) to add more glaciers to it. For the outfit, I wore a kimono and an umbrella that has snowflakes as an effect with snow piled on it to keep the traditional Japanese look while still incorporating ice/snow which fit the theme perfectly. The other pieces of my outfit complete and compliment each other while still speaking for itself, especially the colors. I decided to use a flower clip to accessorize while still giving it an elegant and feminine touch.

  • SinDitBRSinDitBR
    Reactions: 1,635
    Posts: 27
    edited June 2017

    IGN: SinDitBR
    World: Luna
    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    Black Shoes of Death
    Secret Shade
    Red Cloud Label Ring
    Solo Ring
    Amorian Aura Ring
    Transparent Face Accesory
    Transparent Earring
    Transparent Eye Acessory
    White Proposal
    Flower Dance
    Dark Evil Gloves
    Transparent Cape
    Flower Dance

    Pink Flower Headwrap
    Heart Pouding Lip Gloss
    Lovely Pink Heart T-Shirt
    Vacation Denim Pants
    Koala Slippers
    Bloody Rose

    What look you're going for (theme):
    Valentine's Day (I'm from Brazil, we celebrate it in 12th June (today))
  • FlinchedFlinched
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited June 2017

    IGN: Flinched

    World: Scania

    Short Description Of What Your Character Is Wearing:
    • Dawn Bear Hoodie
    • Dawn Bear Outfit
    • Princess of Time Pocket Watch
    • Ice Cold Red
    • Transparent Shoe
    • Transparent Glove

    What Look You're Going For (Theme):
  • TicklelicklesTicklelickles
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited June 2017

    IGN: Tanaki

    World: Scania

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    • Transparent Gloves
    • Transparent Shoes
    • Conch Cap
    • Legendary Fish Man
    • Blue Pony Overalls
    • Nom Nom Oz
    • Triple Fish Skewer
    • Whale Light Bulb Chair

    What look you're going for (theme):
    "Under the sea" is the look I am going for. Summer is coming up, time to hit the beach and enjoy the ocean~
  • ToreishiToreishi
    Reactions: 3,585
    Posts: 116
    edited June 2017
    Edit: Somehow I forgot to include my IGN and World, but that's fixed now! ^_^;

    The image below was originally a screenshot taken for the sake of it to be my smartphone's wallpaper, proof: http://imgur.com/tSGb59r.
    I got the idea to enter this contest from the outpouring support and hype from fellow Maplers in the game.
    Thank you for your kind praise and encouragement.



    IGN: Tracy

    World: Mardia

    Short description of what your character is wearing:


    - Black Heart-braid Hair
    - Odd Eyes (Sapphire)
    - Romance Rose
    - Flushed Cheeks
    - Transparent Eye Accessory
    - Wind Bell Earrings
    - Flower Heiress Hanbok (Female)
    - Rose Butterwand
    - Transparent Shield
    - Transparent Gloves
    - Angel's Ribbon
    - Pinky Pretty Gomushin (Female)
    - V Label/Chat Rings
    - Azalea Corsage
    - Shining Effect
    - Lotus Leaf Chair

    What look you're going for (theme): I've coveted to create and own a unique, defining look, a look that I can put my name to for years. I've been playing MapleStory since late 2006, but all this time I've been wearing what was adored by the general populace (such as the "Darling Diva" and "Lively Waved" hairstyles), or wore all the pieces belonging to a designated set (such as the "Cat Lolita set"). I've looked up to "Elufu" from Scania for the longest time, and I'd like to name her as one of my biggest inspirations to this outfit. Her sense of style introduced me to the world of color, to the use of pastel colors, and to coordination of colors. As soon as I laid my eyes on her character, I knew that I wanted my character to adorn as many colors in the most stylish manner as possible. I've been improvising this outfit since December of last year. I went through many changes of hairstyles, hair colors, faces, lens colors, accessories, weapon covers, and the like. I wouldn't say that my look is absolutely complete at this point because I'm very open to change, and I enjoy watching my character evolve fashionably. I'd like to try more combinations and sport even bolder looks in the future. For the meantime, I feel like this look satisfies what I've been coveting all those years ago, and accurately represents my creative direction to fashion in this game.

    For the month of June, I'm portraying my character in my own impression of Chang'e, the Chinese goddess of the Moon. Many illustrations of Chang'e usually depict her with a large flower hair ornament, long hair flowing past the shoulders, a vibrant oriental robe with intricate floral designs, completed with enveloping ribbons which act as wings that allow Chang'e to fly to the moon. In the image above, Tracy can be seen taking refuge under a leaf to stay dry from the spring rain, patiently waiting for the clouds in the sky to disperse to make her return to the moon.
  • BluxarxenBluxarxen
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 9
    edited June 2017



    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    Hawaiian Couple (Female)
    Bunny Top Hat
    Bunny Sunglasses
    Hula Hula Beaded Anklet
    Sweet Lollipop

    What look you're going for (theme):
    The Theme: Ready for Summer at the Beach.
    SpaceSparkle is ready to enjoy the sun at the beach but no matter where she is she's just got to wear her Bunny Top Hat. She loves bunny ears and top hats are just classy. It's her favorite hat. To satisfy her sweet tooth she has a giant lolly pop. Hmmm that will probably last 2 minutes if she takes it slow.
  • AkizaChanAkizaChan
    Reactions: 520
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    edited June 2017


    IGN: LinkAkiza

    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing:

    - Orchid's Black Wing Hat
    - Bloody Tears
    - Black Skull Eye Patch
    - Umbral Earings
    - Orchid's Black Wing Uniform
    - Rifle Blade
    - White Bandage (Gloves)
    - Umbral Boots
    - Umbral Cloak

    What look you're going for (theme): Just conquering a new flying boat, i left darkness consume my life for become more powerful and i also using a lethal weapon, i guess is more efficient against those maplers monsters. i also lost my brother... so yeah, kinda sad now.
  • lim0nelim0ne
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 5
    edited June 2017



    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    Rabbit Ear
    Ice Cold Red
    Pink Blossom Dress
    Hula Hula Beaded Anklet
    Featherly Angel Gloves
    Angel's Ribbon
    Bunny Label Ring
    Lemon Shooting Star Ring

    What look you're going for (theme):
    This look is inspired by the moon bunny goddess of Asian folklore. I chose to use yellow ribbon and hair over red/pink to break up the monotony.
    Fighting evil by the moonlight
  • DatLightGurlDatLightGurl
    Reactions: 1,070
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    edited June 2017

    IGN: Aurore

    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    Yellow Flower Headwrap
    Red Turtleneck Sweater
    Cowboy Pants
    Yellow Chick Shoes
    Dreaming Dandelion
    Butterfly Label Ring
    Blue Shooting Star Ring
    Transparent Gloves, Eye Accessory and Face Accessory

    What look you're going for (Theme):
    It's getting summer and where I live the temperature is still changing constantly. Sometimes its 10 degrees and then suddenly it's over 30 degrees. German weather is wonderful! The problem with that is: You really don't know what to wear anymore. My look is mixed with a nice flower headband, a nice accessory you wear in summer, AND a turtleneck sweater... plus.. shorts.. very short pants.. I really don't know anymore what to wear. Either you're freezing here or just sweating, so why not wearing a Sweater and shorts? Ofc you also need some shoes, so why not some nice slippers? They're comfy and your feet aren't sweating that much.
    But how hard the struggle may be.. it's too hot. Too hot to wear anything, so better take that sweater off.

    (I often just go outside like that realizing later what I've done. Never wear a sweater and shorts in summer.)
  • FreeShootFreeShoot
    Reactions: 315
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    edited June 2017
    Image: 5MmFGWw.png

    IGN: FreeShoot

    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing: Felt's Ribbon, Kiss Mark, Head Bandage, Villain's Cool Tights, Villian Shoes, Villain Gloves, Pink Seraphim, Blue Beard Label Ring

    What look you're going for (theme):
    A lonely girl looking at the fireworks, on the roof of a house
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2017
    WHAT2SAY wrote: »
    Image: : 90POcSv.png


    World: : Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing: : i am wearing something i dont really know what they are called

    Hairstyle / Face : ye idk what they are called

    What look you're going for (theme) : ye not really sure but the background i love this mu lung place so peaceful.

    are you standing right next to a botter/hacker? just curious not saying youre associated.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2017



    Short description of what your character is wearing: Bunny Tops Hat, Black Duster, Flower Dance, Tania Gloves and fox tail

    What look you're going for (theme): Something Clean To show the Mastery over Dual Blades seemingly chaotic power
  • JohnMillerJohnMiller
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 17
    edited June 2017


    IGN: Shadilay

    World: Reboot

    Short description of what your character is wearing:

    Hat : Camouflage Helmet
    Overall : Combat Fatigues
    Shoes : Combat Boots
    Cape : Idol of the Birds
    Face: Weird Pepe Face Accessory
    Weapon : The Jackal

    What look you're going for (theme):

    What's this? This Pepe has evolved into a human? A kappa? A living meme? Whichever it is, the other Pepes don't like it, and he has been excommunicated. Only 2 of his bird friends decide to stay by his side. Motivated by revenge, he makes full use of finally having functional limbs and trains himself in the art of the gun.
    Now cloaked in green, he lies hidden among the flora of El Nath, ready to shoot down those who were once family to him...
  • MekMek
    Reactions: 1,170
    Posts: 92
    edited June 2017

    IGN: Crackity
    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    • White identity (hat)
    • Silky Black Eye Patch (eye acc)
    • Blood Mask (face acc)
    • Red Wind Robes (outfit)
    • Hazy Night Tessel (cape)
    • Stonetooth (weapon)
    • Lionheart Battle Bracers (gloves)
    • Pensalir Battle Boots (shoes)

    What look you're going for (theme):

    Weell, an edgy ninja warrior, I think so.
This discussion has been closed.