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Clock overrun (was: Memory/DLL corruption)

Member, Private Tester AKradian
Reactions: 40,340
Posts: 6,342
Member, Private Tester
edited June 2022 in Bug Reporting
Update 10/25/2018: Vertical Grapple / Rope Lift issue has been fixed.

Update 7/7/2018: Nexon has started fixing this issue. Some symptoms no longer occur, and have been struck out of the list below.

Update October 2017:
The cause has been found to be that the computer uptime goes over 24.8 days. Maplestory's code apparently uses the uptime, but as a signed instead of unsigned integer. Nexon has been informed.

Bug type: Stability

Brief bug summary: The MapleStory client sometimes enters an abnormal state, that can only be cleared by a Full Shutdown of the computer.

More details:
The symptoms of this abnormal state include:
  • Cutscenes get stuck.
  • Harvesting/Mining does not work.
  • Monsters don't display their name and HP bar, even when set to do so.
  • Top-of-the-screen quest progress notices are not displayed (Quest Helper window works fine)
  • In Arcane River maps, the notice about the amount of Arcane Force required remains constantly on-screen.
  • Blaze Wizard's Orbital Flames skill does no damage to enemies.
  • Ice/Lightning Mage Frozen Orb skill does no damage to enemies.
  • Kaiser's Wingbeat skill does no damage to enemies.
  • Bowmaster's Arrow Platter arrows do no damage to enemies.
  • Kaiser/AB's Vertical Grapple (and all-class V skill Rope Lift) only works once per map.
  • Warrior V skill Weapon Aura doesn't work.
  • Evan's Dragon Glide, and Demon Slayer/Avenger glide, and gliding mounts, keep going even after the key is released.
  • Kanna's Bellflower Barrier and Blossom Barrier appear on the map but don't affect the character.
  • Jett's Core Aura link skill does not increase the stats of the character it's linked to.
  • Blaster's Ammo always shows full, can't be used, and can't be reloaded.
  • Monsters in Monster Life bob in one place.
  • Magnus (any difficulty) flies into an anti-hack rage, raining deadly meteors far denser than usual, OR No meteors appear at all.
  • Continuous damage is sustained even inside Magnus' barrier.
  • "Guard the Castle Gates" Pollo mission monsters do not leave the map when they reach the portals.
  • Some quests, such as the "Defeat Easy Zakum" mission of Step-Up event, fail to register completion.
  • The number of used and unlocked character slots does not show up on character selection screen.
  • The first few lines of chat after starting the game or being silent for a while, are not sent.
    Lines in whisper/party/buddy/guild/alliance chat look to the speaker as if they were sent, but no-one receives them. Lines in "all" chat don't show up even for the speaker. Commands given in chat window (such as "/find") do nothing.
    After a handful of such ignored lines, chat resumes normally, for a while. After a period of silence, it stops working again.
(forumers are encouraged to add symptoms they have observed to the list)

Changing in-game settings, shutting down the MapleStory client, or even re-installing it, does not change anything. The only known cure is a Full Shutdown and restart of the computer, as apparently a Hybrid/Quick Restart preserves whatever it was that got corrupted.
(For Windows 8 users, forumer YourSuperior suggests following the instructions of this website http://www.howtogeek.com/129021/how-to-do-a-full-shutdown-in-windows-8-without-disabling-hybrid-boot to do a full shutdown)

This has been reported on Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.

Steps to reproduce:
Unfortunately, this does not seem to be consistently reproducible :-(



  • Member KThxBaiNao
    Reactions: 11,690
    Posts: 300
    edited September 2016
    Thanks for this @AKradian :)
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 19
    edited October 2016
    I would like to add that attacks used when Buckshot is in effect while Memory corruption is taking place will also cause you to do no damage to enemies as a Cannon Master.
  • Member Xariappa
    Reactions: 655
    Posts: 36
    edited November 2016
    Don't know if it is related, but recently Monster Life can become very sluggish. It takes seconds to populate the list of monsters when going to another farm, and when returning, it can takes 10s of seconds before my monster farm info is updated, including the list of monsters at the bottom (initially completely empty, no row of monsters shown at all), the farm level, the warus and gems, , etc. All the numbers are at 0 and no monsters show. Even the quest for nurturing or playing doesn't complete right away. Started seeing this yesterday, and it is not account specific. I noticed this most recently on XinnoFarm, around 3PM PST. I normally put my computer in sleep mode, rather than shutting it down, to same me time in starting the computer up.
    And I have seen the monsters on my farms stuck in one place too. As recent as about two weeks ago. A full reboot of the computer was needed to resolve that issue.
    I just rebooted my computer so I will see if my farms are now normally responsive again. So far so good.
  • Member Xariappa
    Reactions: 655
    Posts: 36
    edited November 2016
    Here is a picture of what I mean. Looks like extreme lag. Reboot of the computer didn't help, neither reboot of my router.
  • Member RedNork
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2016
    Restarting didn't do anything for me. And now my Kaiser is starting to freeze in place and pressing the jump button is the only thing that seems to release him. It used to be only after a vertical grapple use, which would end in it being unusable afterwards, but now it happens all the time.
    Are there any other possible cures? Or do we just hafta wait?
  • Member Rexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited December 2016
    RedNork said:

    Restarting didn't do anything for me. And now my Kaiser is starting to freeze in place and pressing the jump button is the only thing that seems to release him. It used to be only after a vertical grapple use, which would end in it being unusable afterwards, but now it happens all the time.
    Are there any other possible cures? Or do we just hafta wait?
    Did you do a full shutdown, a normal shutdown is very different from a full shutdown?

  • Member MageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited December 2016
    Night Walker's shadow spark also doesn't work in the abnormal memory state.
  • Member, Private Tester Temptation
    Reactions: 1,575
    Posts: 74
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Mercedes Ishtar ring starts to lag and when attacking mobs the character gets dced by gm police. Restarting the client doesn't work, restart pc neither, need to full shutdown the system. Using windows 7.

    Notes: Full shutdown doesn't always work to fix the bug. The character even lags when it is standing still on a map.
    Steps to reproduce: game crash. I restart the client it get this bug. Goes away randomly... For example yesterday I had the bug and today early in the morning I was fine (servers were not lagging) the client crashed my character got bugged. Rebooted the laptop (didn't do a quick restart) and still the same...
  • Member Rexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited December 2016

    Mercedes Ishtar ring starts to lag and when attacking mobs the character gets dced by gm police. Restarting the client doesn't work, restart pc neither, need to full shutdown the system. Using windows 7.

    Notes: Full shutdown doesn't always work to fix the bug. The character even lags when it is standing still on a map.
    Steps to reproduce: game crash. I restart the client it get this bug. Goes away randomly... For example yesterday I had the bug and today early in the morning I was fine (servers were not lagging) the client crashed my character got bugged. Rebooted the laptop (didn't do a quick restart) and still the same...
    Wearing durability equipment (equips from RA boxes, drpq equips) causes lag that is very noticeable on attacks with high attack speed (hurricane, rapid fire) due to constantly updating the durability of the equip.
    Lagging and disconnection by GM police is not part of the memory corruption symptoms.
  • Member, Private Tester ange1DoII
    Reactions: 1,795
    Posts: 112
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    D/C after using 5th job skill from wind archer (hallowing gate)
  • Member Rexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited December 2016
    ange1DoII said:

    D/C after using 5th job skill from wind archer (hallowing gate)
    Does a full shutdown help fix this bug?
    Are you also experiencing any of the other bug listed? If not and if a full shutdown doesn't fix your problem, then this bug is not related to memory corruption.
  • Member runeviperz
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    Sometimes when I'm playing Maple for a while my game becomes frozen, and in Task Manager, the CPU usage of Maplestory.exe goes to 0% usage. Ending the process and restarting the game results in my character being able to log into the world, but after a few seconds playing the game will repeat the same thing and freeze again. The only way I would fix this problem is to do a computer restart (Start>Power>Restart), but even then I've sometimes experienced that after that restart, the same problem would occur one first load. There was one instance when I had to restart my computer twice before the problem fixed itself, maybe this is also related?
  • Member jasonmbrown
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 20
    edited January 2017
    You say Memory/dll corruption. But What Dll Is it, So we can manually unload it and reload it (and Figure out what causes these weird bugs). Without having to resort to a system restart. Does it have something to do with blackcipher since I don't recall ever getting these issues back when Gameguard was in use.

    What dll is maplestory loading/using on my system, that staying loaded until A system restart. Im assuming its a system related dll, But If that was the case Maplestory wouldnt be the only program acting wonky. And when I get this bug *Usually after 1-2 weeks of not turning off pc* Nothing else bugs out
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017

    @jasonmbrown , I'm sorry. If I knew which DLL it is, I would give the instructions to unload it.

    Back when I initially made this bug report, I had hoped that Nexon's programmers would be able to figure out what, exactly, they are corrupting, based on the symptoms. But I guess that since this is not reproducible at will, the issue was not even passed along to the developers.

  • Member jasonmbrown
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 20
    edited January 2017
    ah... Do you know For a fact that its a dll? If so Is there not a method to monitor what dlls are In use by maplestory, And then just wait for corruption? *I find that I When i get it, its after a Crash to desktop with no error*. After getting corrupted Shouldnt one be able to unload Most of the dll's (And also see which ones Are not Being unloaded on maplestorys close)

    Or Would anti-hack Pick up on trying to view the dll's being accessed by blackcipher/maplestory
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017

    : "ah... Do you know For a fact that its a dll? If so Is there not a method to monitor what dlls are In use by maplestory, And then just wait for corruption? *I find that I When i get it, its after a Crash to desktop with no error*. After getting corrupted Shouldnt one be able to unload Most of the dll's (And also see which ones Are not Being unloaded on maplestorys close)

    Or Would anti-hack Pick up on trying to view the dll's being accessed by blackcipher/maplestory"

    I don't know. That's why the title says "memory/DLL". I don't know enough about Windows programming to know whether it offers any kind of memory data segment, shared or otherwise, that isn't a DLL but retains its values after the process exits (and isn't on disk, obviously).

    I also don't know what the anti-hack would pick up on.

  • Member jasonmbrown
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 20
    edited January 2017
    Fair enough. This is probably something the dev's should get around to looking into. I mean its existed for a while now...
  • Member Ivangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited January 2017
    I can't belive this has been since october, i tought this was a new thing, and yeah sometimes it doesn't help restarting my pc, yesterday was all fine, now it's all bugy....
    Edit: sorry need to do an actual full shut down
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    Ivangold said:

    : I can't belive this has been since october, i tought this was a new thing, and yeah sometimes it doesn't help restarting my pc, yesterday was all fine, now it's all bugy....
    It's a remake of a post from the old forums, http://forum2.nexon.net/showthread.php?1379281-Memory-DLL-corruption, made in February 2015. Almost two years now.

    As for restarting, make sure to follow the instructions for a FULL shutdown and restart.
  • Member Spirit0fFun
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 16
    edited March 2017
    AKradian-I have reported some of these things happening before. They usually appear soon after an update of some kind. I went through a whole bunch of suggestions from the tech crew and nothing they suggested worked..... only to find that they cleared up after the next Windows update.

    Now when I see frozen farm monsters and the top five items of your list, I figure it will clear up with the next Windows update and it does.