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A Better Maple: Revamp Equipment Tooltip


  • GomenasaiGomenasai
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 78
    edited November 2017
    As I see right now, there are no changes planned to the Equipment UI Tooltip, maybe the only change will be that damage increase will not shown anymore on equipments for different classes/jobs or different gender than the character's gender.

    You need to understand that big/small changes like this only comes at major patches, so every 6 months. ( iv'e waited a long ass time to get a simple bug fixed )
    it will come in a couple of months, 6-12 that's my guess...

    I've seen you talking with other people before and realized that you're smart so I decided to ask you this question but, why does people even bother to talk/ask about these kind of stuff? even if nexon will revamp the Equipment UI Tooltip, is this what really gonna help us? make the game a lot more easier and fun for us?

    Just for example, why almost nobody is talking about the critical things? such as taking care of all these botters/mesos sites sellers/hackers in the game? you know, if there'd be less of them in the game, everything in the fm would be so much cheaper. why every single item/perm nx have to cost 999999999999??

    So I say, let's ask/start with the BIG and SERIOUS things.

    1. take care of every single botter/hacker/mesos sellers sites. HOW? it's very easy, I got a lot of ideas, here's 1 of them.
    First of all, you need to know which sites they're adverstating, for example, if the site called "MesosSale", make it so like every person who write all these letters in 1 time, everything he'd say, would be censored, so then in this case, even if someone is saying "Hi, I mesos need now sale" ALL what he wrote right now would be censored, 100% censored. why? because the words Mesos and Sale, were there.
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    edited November 2017
    Gomenasai wrote: »
    As I see right now, there are no changes planned to the Equipment UI Tooltip, maybe the only change will be that damage increase will not shown anymore on equipments for different classes/jobs or different gender than the character's gender.

    You need to understand that big/small changes like this only comes at major patches, so every 6 months. ( iv'e waited a long ass time to get a simple bug fixed )
    it will come in a couple of months, 6-12 that's my guess...

    I've seen you talking with other people before and realized that you're smart so I decided to ask you this question but, why does people even bother to talk/ask about these kind of stuff? even if nexon will revamp the Equipment UI Tooltip, is this what really gonna help us? make the game a lot more easier and fun for us?

    Just for example, why almost nobody is talking about the critical things? such as taking care of all these botters/mesos sites sellers/hackers in the game? you know, if there'd be less of them in the game, everything in the fm would be so much cheaper. why every single item/perm nx have to cost 999999999999??

    So I say, let's ask/start with the BIG and SERIOUS things.

    1. take care of every single botter/hacker/mesos sellers sites. HOW? it's very easy, I got a lot of ideas, here's 1 of them.
    First of all, you need to know which sites they're adverstating, for example, if the site called "MesosSale", make it so like every person who write all these letters in 1 time, everything he'd say, would be censored, so then in this case, even if someone is saying "Hi, I mesos need now sale" ALL what he wrote right now would be censored, 100% censored. why? because the words Mesos and Sale, were there.

    You need to understand that the Botters/Hacker/w.e, are an enormous problem in gms, and it's really hard to take them and their sites down, because for them it's their job/income.

    have a look at this video:

    as for the smaller problems: ui,centered text, and item tooltip improvements, these are small and easy changes to make, much easier then removing all the botters/meso sellers/their websites.

    i do agree that the botters should be dealt with, but from what i heard nexon america tries, and as of their last attempt ( see the kanna bans ) they actually succeeded, granted some legit players were caught in the ban waves, but still majority of the kannas were botters ( from the ban, not all kanna players in gms are botters )

    and i'm not one that will defend nexon america, but they actually do try ( and it's good the fact that they at least try, instead of just giving up )

    i hope i answered your questions :)

    PS. your suggestion for censoring the words meso and sale, are flawed in my opinion, because how would people say for ex: Selling X item for X amount of mesos ?

    i think a better suggestion would be taking down the meso sellers website, but because they are in China, i don't know if it's even possible.
    ( or else nexon america would have already taken down those sites ) ?

  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    edited November 2017
    alright to clarify one thing: the equipment tooltip Ui was only revamped once in it's life time at all the other regions.

    for starters GMS EMS and MapleSEA have shared the same Ui tooltip since before big bang, the other regioins on the other hand had the same ui as kms did back then

    the item info was in the center and they had no weird blue dot attached to it.

    now for the class rows actually all regions exclusing GMS/MapleSEA/EMS, has the white colored, but GMS/EMS/MapleSEA, had the class rows orange colored and the item title on the left side with a blue dot, the Tooltip Ui got revamped once in it's life time: in Unlimted for other regions, and Unleashed for GMS.

    the other regions just reclored the tooltip from blue to black, and placed the class rows in a grey blackish box. GMS/MapleSEA/EMS, had to create a new class rows text in a white color and a different font, GMS got the class rows color right it was grey blackish, but most of the class names on the row, were and still are vertical the only names that they aligned correctly are: thief and pirate as those are the only class names that are horizontal in gms.

    on the other hand MapleSEA and EMS, did the opposite: they have created a new class rows with horizontal names, but miscolored the class box itself to pixelish grey color. ( as for the item title it wasn't perfect for MapleSEA/EMS/GMS at all)

    while maplesea and ems, has some items with the title on the center, they had and has a lot of
    other items,use,etc,event items title the same way as it currently in gms with the title on the left side attached to a blue dot.

    MapleSEA Tooltip: NIcRY9v.png
    MapleSEA Class Rows: 3cvlmcR.png

    GMS Tooltip: EMQucw1.png
    GMS Class Rows: EWxMw5m.png

    THMS Tooltip: 9GLtSuI.png
    THMS Class Rows: tEP9xXO.png
    ( as you might know THMS is a new service, and they got all the things gms/ems and maplesea lacks, like centred item title,and horizontal class rows names )

    Before Big Bang GMS Tooltip: z6me0Ob.png
    Before Big Bang KMS Tooltip: NovNyrK.png

    Before Big Bang GMS Class Row: 7YqExA2.png

    Before Big Bang GMS Item Title: hB7OxEU.png

    Before Big Bang KMS Class Row: dE9szQU.png

    Before Big Bang KMS Item Title: yzKHFyg.png

    Here's the current KMS Tooltip: orVW5RB.png
    ( notice that it has 10% HP/MP instead of +10 )

    Here's the current KMS Class Row: wACbW5U.png

    (so pretty much all the other regions besides GMS/EMS/MapleSEA, , just recolored the tooltip and placed the class names in a grey blackish box)

    This is the chaos horntail pendant in GMS: mtWYJWY.png

    This is the Power Elixir in GMS/MapleSEA/And former EMS: rLTU3c4.png

    This is the Power Elixir in THMS: aU8n5S9.png

    What needs to be done to the tooltips that are currently in use in GMS, is:

    1. Removing the blue dot and placing the items title in the center
    2. Changing the alignment of the class rows text from vertical to horizontal ( for the appropriate classes )
    3. Fixing the invisibile stats like: Additional options,%hp/%mp etc to actually show, for ex: the choas horntail pendant gives 10 %hp and %mp, but the tooltip only shoes it as a + instead of a %.

    *My point is that it's not a recent issue, but rather a legacy issue that should have been fixed years ago.

    *Edit: putting this in here,because i think it's more appropriate.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,550
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    edited November 2017
    In a nutshell, GMS writes item tooltips in Right Alignment.
  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
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    edited November 2017
    I support, I'd like to see some nice and clean UI.
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    edited November 2017
    I would also like to suggest to implement a different font, a more bubbly one, similar to the one found in thms.

    THMS Font ---> RRRY4nQ.png

    GMS Font ---> ZJlWzhg.png

    *it doesn't have to be exactly the font that is used in thms, but similar in a sense that it has to be bubbly.
  • LightningSparkLightningSpark
    Reactions: 575
    Posts: 20
    edited December 2017
    Any news about this?, i would also like to see a cleaner tooltip :)
  • LightningSparkLightningSpark
    Reactions: 575
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    edited January 2018
    I would really like to see this suggestion get's implemented. :)
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    edited January 2018
    Please Don't forget about this :
    • Changing this >> stV7T2d.png
    • Into this >>yUnG9RD.png Or This into this >> aDuZeNb.png
    • Changing the Font in game from this --▽
      into to this --▽

    • And adding the type of weapon ( One-handed or Two-handed ) like this --▽
      QoRtTfr.png gIUODDX.png

      And don't forget to change the equipment tooltip to have a centered text alignment.
      from this :
      into this :

      And don't forget to add Bonus Stats that come from Rebirth Flames, with a green color like in KMS ( for when/if we would get, you won't need to fix it, and for ems players that already have bonus stats )

      Please Make the class row names text bigger and horizontal, like THMS, and move the text on tooltips to the center, and add the Type of weapon, if it's a One-handed or Two-handed, onto the weapon tooltip.

      Here is a Perfect example of how an equip tooltip should look like, ( Copy paste the THMS, and replace Archer/Rouge with Bowman/Thief ) :
      You can see how the items name is centered, it states in the description : That it is a Cane (One-handed ), and it Has Additional Options/Bonus Stats as green numbers, look at the Weapon Attack & Boss Damage it gives : +29 Weapon Attack and +29 Magic Attack, and +10% Boss Damage, Written in green text next to the White text ( Base number ) and to the Blue ( Scroll/Star Force Number ).

      Also 1 More tiny thing, please use spaces, items has a Type:, instead of a Type : on them in GMS.

      Here's an Example :
      See the text on the bottom has no proper spacing for : Type, Attack Speed, Attack Power, Ignored Enemy DEF, Remaining Enhancements, Star Force, Hammers Applied

      They all have 1 less space after the actuall word, ie : ingame its : Attack Speed: FAST, Instead of Attack Speed : FAST, there's should be an additional space after the word. ( but that's just nitpicking )

      as for the actuall problems, or even bugs, the text in GMS, is not centerd, it is in a left alignment with a blue circle,
      1. it makes the tooltip uglier
      2. in the event list, or in event shop, it blocks the text on all the items
      3. it just looks off, when even the soul weapon text is centered, but then you have the weapon name itself with a left a left alignment and a blue circle next to it

      As for the Class Row/Job Row Text :
      1. The current one in GMS, has text that is too small to read, and just looks plain ugly
      2. has every single class name except : thief and pirate with a vertical alignment, which again looks plain ugly

      my suggestion would be to copy and paste the class row from THMS :

      and just change Archer/Rouge > Bowman/Thief.

      So to recap :
      • Change the text alignment on items to be centerd
      • Add proper spacing to words
      • add missing text for Addition Options/Bonus Stats, like : Boss %, and All Stats %
      • Add the type of the weapon, if it's a One-handed or Two-handed in the tooltip
      • Revamp the Class Row type, align the names in a horizontal position ( i suggest using the THMS Class Row type, and replacing the archer/rouge > bowman/thief, to better suit our version ) this one : aDuZeNb.png
      • Remove that ugly Blue circle that is attached to every item tooltip in game : E1i8gy3.png

        I believe that this blue circle forces the text to have a left alignment ( this blue circle is not present in any other region of maple story except MSEA )

        So, i believe that if these changes were to be made, the game would sure look better, and be more inviting to new players, and returning players, and it would satisfy the current player base. ( i know, this is not a major issue, but it won't hurt, to fix the kinks, and bugs of gms, to make it more beautiful )
        Please, do not forget about this!
  • GoldAdventurerGoldAdventurer
    Reactions: 2,855
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    edited January 2018
    The discussion should be continued until something will be done in game regarding the requests.
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    edited March 2018
    I know it's not THAT OF AN IMPORTANT CHANGE, but i hope this would at least make it into the to-do list of the GMS Devs
    (Even if not immediately)
  • Nick008Nick008
    Reactions: 925
    Posts: 59
    edited March 2018
    Why do we need this???? It's great, I'd like to see it, but it's unnecessary.
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
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    edited March 2018
    Nick008 wrote: »
    Why do we need this???? It's great, I'd like to see it, but it's unnecessary.

    You answered it yourself "It's Great, id like to see it".

    We don't need this, but it won't hurt. it would make the Ui of GMS look better, and overall it would be a nice QoL Change that everyone benefits from.
    of course this should not be on a high priority.