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Why im quitting Maplestory after 8 years

Reactions: 500
Posts: 4
edited September 2017 in General Chat
After this incident I will not play MapleStory nor will I suggest others to play as it has lost all of its allure and its charm not to mention customer service.
With countless hackers and general item glitches, unscheduled maintenance, and overall poor server connections I remained true and dedicated to Maplestory.. until now. I have spent hundreds of USD on NX to better my character and make it fun to play but I cannot simply overlook this :
I bought an override master craftsman cube 10 pack which had an expiration date of "9/5/2017". it's 9/2/2017 and after opening it I see that I received a coupon which expired on 8/31/2017 making the previous date worthless and caused me to lose all cubes. Something so simple as getting some dates correct on an Event item seems to slip right past them but oh boy here's the big dice event everyone's dying to play... LOL. This to me was the very last straw and after nerfing my lvl206 Hayato I won't be back. I hope NEXON sees the obvious errors they are making soon or else there will be no one left except hackers and unfunded chars. Most of my friends have moved on to other games and I guess I'll be making that steam account after all.
have fun or not
  1. Who is considering quitting Maplestory29 votes
    1. I cant stand the errors any longer
       86% (25 votes)
    2. I don't mind playing with hackers
       14% (4 votes)


  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited September 2017
    >not having a steam account yet

    why? for what purpose would you prevent yourself from having access to a huge PC gaming catalogue, maple or not?
  • PensdragonsPensdragons
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 4
    edited September 2017
    I was pretty dedicated to Maplestory but alas dedication get us nowhere in today's society. c'est la vie . I do enjoy a good fps from time to time ;)
  • ThonerThoner
    Reactions: 1,375
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    edited September 2017
    I understand your frustration. I have only played 1/4 the amount of time you have but in that time, I developed a set of tricks/experiences for avoiding many errors/inconveniences that you brought up:

    1.) Use items from events within ~1/7 of the time they expire.
    -I had some similar concerns, once I got the 10 pack of Epic pot. scrolls and Craftsman's Cubs, I used them immediately, same day I got them. It was a pain in the butt, but it worked.
    2.) Do not pay to play.
    - Anything can happen online. Even the closing of a game. Why pay into something that has no physical gains and can, eventually, be lost by either hackers or by the game being closed. I never understood that. I found Maple more fun by blunt forcing stuff.
    3.) Player Community kindness is STRONG!
    -Not ALWAYS true, but many cases true, players are sometimes able and willing to help you, especially when they get to know you. I left the CoD community for the Dark Souls, Minecraft, and, of course Maple Story Communities because the player community is not only much less toxic, it is usually supportive. I have found much fewer jerk players in Maple than any other game. Heck, ask me for help if you want. I do not mind giving you, like a cube or two personally.
    4.) Customer Service can help, depending.
    It is a hard job. They need to deal with so many of us. Have they substantially helped me personally? No. But I know why too. I also know that they did what they could and, more often than not, I got useful information back. I will admit though, depending on your personalized skill set, this may not be too helpful. Just think of the questions you can get strong results from if your main issue cannot be resolved, like me losing a Fafnir weapon at lvl 200+...
    5.) Always more chances to get what you lost.
    From what a long time friend of mine told me, who played this game for 10+ years, Maple is getting progressively easier to deal with. I know item wise, this is true.

    Look me up if your in Zenith. I would love to have a Hayato help me in boss fights as a Guest Star on my friends You Tube channel. :)

    Oh 1 more useful to you:

    6.) Craftsman's cubes can be MINED?!?

    Look up Episode 8 on my friends channel in the Journey from lvl 205 to Lvl 250 in Pensalir Gear playlist. If I remember correctly, as long as you can mine, you can gain cubes faster.
  • ChingTheMonkeyChingTheMonkey
    Reactions: 1,165
    Posts: 129
    edited September 2017
    Still probably gonna play. but I think I'm gonna be shifting to MS2 more and more
  • AlbinorockAlbinorock
    Reactions: 2,205
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    edited September 2017
    The only reason why anyone plays this game is he social aspect. Meaning, it's basically like FB or skype, where people come on to chat.
    We all know this game has a lot of hackers and we know Nexon doesn't care about them.
    Many shops with 100's of Elite Boss items which they got from hacking on another character.
    A blind man can tell that Nexon gives 0 F***s.
    I've been playing this game since 2007 and yeah, it's sad to see this game become Hacker Story, but with a company like Nexon that cuts corners, how can you be surprised.
  • EfficientlyLazyEfficientlyLazy
    Reactions: 815
    Posts: 66
    edited September 2017
    I just don't understand how we can spend thousands and thousands of dollars into a game and not feel like our voices or impact matters at all despite the fact that the game is literally breaking all over the place. On top of which they put up false notices like "Gambling is disruptive to the environment" when 90% of this game is a gambling-paywall. Or "playing too long can be bad for your health" when 99% of the events/rewards require you to stay on for longer than 3-6 hours.

    It is a legal 2d pixel casino without age restriction. What could go wrong?
  • chaoscauserchaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,740
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    edited September 2017
    Albinorock wrote: »
    The only reason why anyone plays this game is he social aspect. Meaning, it's basically like FB or skype, where people come on to chat.
    We all know this game has a lot of hackers and we know Nexon doesn't care about them.
    Many shops with 100's of Elite Boss items which they got from hacking on another character.
    A blind man can tell that Nexon gives 0 F***s.
    I've been playing this game since 2007 and yeah, it's sad to see this game become Hacker Story, but with a company like Nexon that cuts corners, how can you be surprised.

    Social aspect of the game died awhile ago .......
  • Gio1373Gio1373
    Reactions: 1,405
    Posts: 41
    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    I also stopped playing because nexon nerfed Hitokiri Strike - Cooldown Cutter to ****, dood. They always ruin my favorite classes with all these dumbass cooldowns (first Shadower, then Hayato). nexon just doesn't care, dood.

    Doesn't it seem more likely that you just like overpowered classes then? Both classes were nerfed to reign them back in, not a pointless arbitrary reason. If all you're looking for is dashes then why not make a mage and just tele? Problem solved.
  • BiohazardBiohazard
    Reactions: 760
    Posts: 9
    edited September 2017
    This game still has a social aspect?
    Sorry but I feel as though that died ages ago... I haven't felt the social aspect on Maplestory in years :'(
    It used to be for that, but I don't see that be a viable reason to cling onto a dying game.

    I'll always creep back to Maplestory, despite its decline. I'm sad to see that they don't do anything about the hackers though. It's so blatantly obvious who hacks and who doesn't, and it'd be so easy for them to deal with it. They don't, though. I'm honestly unsure why.
  • PensdragonsPensdragons
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 4
    edited September 2017
    If I'm not compensated 200% I will never load Nexon launcher again. I'll keep my profile to troll for as long as I like cause .. Ya know... this game attracts the very worst people with the lamest opinions and comments so it's a comic relief if nothing else. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about @matthewHKnight
  • DominikosDominikos
    Reactions: 625
    Posts: 68
    edited September 2017
    LOL implying anyone cares if your quitting you'll be back no one quits this game. You don't even have the guts to delete your characters that's proof you will be back.

    lmao you got banned for what?
    for being honest in your comments?

    I have a warning for being honest of the bad services. HAHAHAHA
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited September 2017
    Dominikos wrote: »
    LOL implying anyone cares if your quitting you'll be back no one quits this game. You don't even have the guts to delete your characters that's proof you will be back.

    lmao you got banned for what?
    for being honest in your comments?

    I have a warning for being honest of the bad services. HAHAHAHA

    I'm sure he's had more warnings.

  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited September 2017
    Biohazard wrote: »
    This game still has a social aspect?
    Sorry but I feel as though that died ages ago... I haven't felt the social aspect on Maplestory in years :'(
    It used to be for that, but I don't see that be a viable reason to cling onto a dying game.

    I'll always creep back to Maplestory, despite its decline. I'm sad to see that they don't do anything about the hackers though. It's so blatantly obvious who hacks and who doesn't, and it'd be so easy for them to deal with it. They don't, though. I'm honestly unsure why.

    Yeah, the game isn't like before, it's too huge to have everybody in the same spots like old KPQ, LPQ and such, too many levels diferences make the game more desert(also too many maps), i have guild and friends so it's much more lively for me, i do agree they could invest in partyplay FOR REAL, but until then we can at least have friends and guild, i honestly say that only people on buddy might not be enough, i'm in a aliance that make things more dinamic.

    Also, seens they did block a bit hackers, Clean Slate scrolls went up in price and the changes in runes made lazy botters stop since they won't get exp after like 20minutes a rune is in the game, i gotta stay more in Arcana, but i guess less are botting(at least they need come back every x minutes to use runes..., which already decreases the botters).