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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Server Instability or Incompatible issue?
So i keep getting this everytime i try to even get into the game. Im not even sure what kind of error this is but this has happened ever since i upgraded my laptop to the HP Omen and seeing all the recent posts of instability since the last patch, im not sure if its the server or my new laptop maybe too powerful for this game. Anyone have this issue? If it doesnt get fixed soon, im not keeping 10 gb of game that i cant use. And before someone says reinstall or repair, ive done both, 10 TIMES ALREADY!!! Its frustrating that i was just getting back in and now have to quit again thanks to this problem. IDC if its a server instability issue but if its my new laptop, then thats just BS, just saying...
Edit: even the image linker is down too...
here is the link in the text...
-Open regedit
The registry key is located at "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"
Easy fix just follow the video