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Simplify Worlds, Improve Population & Stability.


  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    Retr0_ wrote: »
    It would be nice if threads like this would make a difference at all. But they don't...dispite the fact that the community manager always posts stuff like "we hear you guys [...]" ( followed usually by a "but" ), they seem to take the easy way out. They just seem to follow kms's and tms's steps without hesitation. Which kinda makes me think if NA's HQs really have a thing to say about the game or they are forced to follow the older brothers steps. Regardless of which one is, i agree with them saying " we listen to you, guys" and all that. You do listen, but there is a slight difference between listening and understanding what we want. And you always seem to fail at the second one.

    Considering how dead some servers are, they must do something. As it stands its either make a new character on Bera or play a PURE SOLO game on other servers
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Retr0_ wrote: »
    It would be nice if threads like this would make a difference at all. But they don't...dispite the fact that the community manager always posts stuff like "we hear you guys [...]" ( followed usually by a "but" ), they seem to take the easy way out. They just seem to follow kms's and tms's steps without hesitation. Which kinda makes me think if NA's HQs really have a thing to say about the game or they are forced to follow the older brothers steps. Regardless of which one is, i agree with them saying " we listen to you, guys" and all that. You do listen, but there is a slight difference between listening and understanding what we want. And you always seem to fail at the second one.

    Regardless of whether they do something, it's important for them to know how the players feel about... Anything really. I'm not defending them by any means, but you have to understand the importance of them knowing how players feel. If everyone where to stop posting about what they thought about events, good or bad, that's when things would really take a nosedive.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    4 worlds is still way too much, there only needs to be 2

    What, so Reboot and everything else jam packed into one server? Do you even know what lag is? Because you'd find out if that were to happen.

    Reboot, Bera, Scania, Luna, and the rest of the servers combined should be enough. Worst comes to worst, if the population dips down again, they can merge again, there's no need to be hasty with merging. As we've seen, making actions without thinking can be disastrous with this area of things.

    I was thinking Bera, Scania and reboot, everything else gets deleted.

    If I ever lag again from there being too much people, I will rejoice tbh
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    4 worlds is still way too much, there only needs to be 2

    What, so Reboot and everything else jam packed into one server? Do you even know what lag is? Because you'd find out if that were to happen.

    Reboot, Bera, Scania, Luna, and the rest of the servers combined should be enough. Worst comes to worst, if the population dips down again, they can merge again, there's no need to be hasty with merging. As we've seen, making actions without thinking can be disastrous with this area of things.

    I was thinking Bera, Scania and reboot, everything else gets deleted.

    If I ever lag again from there being too much people, I will rejoice tbh

    While under population has it's issues, so does over population. There needs to be a balance, and having only those three servers would create a plethora of new issues. It's as I said, if the population proves to be too low, they can always merge more worlds. It'd be harder to deal with overfilling a server than having to merge again.
  • ShaunDreclinShaunDreclin
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 6
    edited October 2017
    We only need 3 worlds (4 if you include luna), with more channels depending on population.

    Bera: 30 Channels
    Scania: 25 Channels
    Reboot: 20 Channels
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    We only need 3 worlds (4 if you include luna), with more channels depending on population.

    Bera: 30 Channels
    Scania: 25 Channels
    Reboot: 20 Channels

    Am I the only person that sees this as a bad idea? Listen, just adding more channels doesn't change the fact that the server is going to be strained by the amount of players. In fact, adding more channels might just make it worse. For the last time, this is something that needs to be done carefully. If I had more data, I'd love to tell you what the overall playerbase would be for each server, but that information isn't available. The process of merging servers, while incredibly important, needs to be carefully thought out so we don't have another mess like this one.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    We only need 3 worlds (4 if you include luna), with more channels depending on population.

    Bera: 30 Channels
    Scania: 25 Channels
    Reboot: 20 Channels

    Am I the only person that sees this as a bad idea? Listen, just adding more channels doesn't change the fact that the server is going to be strained by the amount of players. In fact, adding more channels might just make it worse. For the last time, this is something that needs to be done carefully. If I had more data, I'd love to tell you what the overall playerbase would be for each server, but that information isn't available. The process of merging servers, while incredibly important, needs to be carefully thought out so we don't have another mess like this one.

    You are being to optimistic in terms of believing the population is that high
  • ZephyrusSpringZephyrusSpring
    Reactions: 1,325
    Posts: 123
    edited October 2017
    Unless they've got each server setup on its own box there should be some decent server performance gains from shutting down most of the dead servers. I don't think the server performance is the problem though. I think it's just bad networking code, unless they've downgraded the servers since the good old days.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    Unless they've got each server setup on its own box there should be some decent server performance gains from shutting down most of the dead servers. I don't think the server performance is the problem though. I think it's just bad networking code, unless they've downgraded the servers since the good old days.

    I was thinking the same thing, as long as servers are stable, fewer services that are populated should be fine, this games population should NOT be enough to make anything lag

    Edit- forgot a word
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited October 2017
    i think there should be only 2 worlds, Reboot and None Reboot. 40 channels each and pay for a better servers.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    July wrote: »
    i think there should be only 2 worlds, Reboot and None Reboot. 40 channels each and pay for a better servers.

    Even I have to admit, that is to overcrowded, when the game declines more, this will be an appropriate measure
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    We only need 3 worlds (4 if you include luna), with more channels depending on population.

    Bera: 30 Channels
    Scania: 25 Channels
    Reboot: 20 Channels

    Am I the only person that sees this as a bad idea? Listen, just adding more channels doesn't change the fact that the server is going to be strained by the amount of players. In fact, adding more channels might just make it worse. For the last time, this is something that needs to be done carefully. If I had more data, I'd love to tell you what the overall playerbase would be for each server, but that information isn't available. The process of merging servers, while incredibly important, needs to be carefully thought out so we don't have another mess like this one.

    You are being to optimistic in terms of believing the population is that high

    And you're underestimating how many people there actually are. I get it, the population is leagues below what it once was, but you're acting like someone who hasn't eaten in two days and just walked into a buffet. Aside from saying that I'm being "optimistic", you haven't refuted any of my points. I don't see the problem with taking this process slow. How many times are we going to make the same mistakes because people like you are trying to rush things?
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    We only need 3 worlds (4 if you include luna), with more channels depending on population.

    Bera: 30 Channels
    Scania: 25 Channels
    Reboot: 20 Channels

    Am I the only person that sees this as a bad idea? Listen, just adding more channels doesn't change the fact that the server is going to be strained by the amount of players. In fact, adding more channels might just make it worse. For the last time, this is something that needs to be done carefully. If I had more data, I'd love to tell you what the overall playerbase would be for each server, but that information isn't available. The process of merging servers, while incredibly important, needs to be carefully thought out so we don't have another mess like this one.

    You are being to optimistic in terms of believing the population is that high

    And you're underestimating how many people there actually are. I get it, the population is leagues below what it once was, but you're acting like someone who hasn't eaten in two days and just walked into a buffet. Aside from saying that I'm being "optimistic", you haven't refuted any of my points. I don't see the problem with taking this process slow. How many times are we going to make the same mistakes because people like you are trying to rush things?

    How many people do you think play maplestory at any given time (including bots) and how much can the servers handle?
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    @Acgnolia I could hazard a guess, but we all know it'd be leagues away from what the answer would actually be. Which is the issue with this entire argument. You could be completely wrong, and I could be completely wrong. Which is exactly why in our situation, without the data we would need to make an informed decision, I suggested that we move slowly.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    @Acgnolia I could hazard a guess, but we all know it'd be leagues away from what the answer would actually be. Which is the issue with this entire argument. You could be completely wrong, and I could be completely wrong. Which is exactly why in our situation, without the data we would need to make an informed decision, I suggested that we move slowly.

    I suppose I have been overly confident in stating what I believe about the population. But I believe the game will gradually decline anyways, meaning servers will need to be deleted anyways.

    And also, I wish we could see the number of players at any given time that are logged in, as is possible in RuneScape
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    Unless they've got each server setup on its own box there should be some decent server performance gains from shutting down most of the dead servers. I don't think the server performance is the problem though. I think it's just bad networking code, unless they've downgraded the servers since the good old days.

    Judging by the server IP addresses, they not only have each server on its own box, but rather every 2-3 channels have their own box (every single channel in Reboot).
    So, while Nexon stands to save some resources (or rather, pay AWS less) from allying or merging worlds, there will be no performance gains for the other servers.

    Crowding everyone into a single world is a bad idea. I know some people like seeing tons of other people wherever they go, but personally I like the peace and quiet of MYBCKN, and would not like to be subjected to ks wars, laggy crowded event maps, and smega spam (which extra channels won't mitigate). I wish there was some way to make a "big city world" and a "small town world" and let the population sort itself out, but there are two issues with that: One is that there may be too many "small towners" which ends up making their world too crowded for them, and the other is all the people who are not currently active in-game so they can't leap and might find themselves in the "wrong" world when they return for the holidays or summer.

    So, the best we can do, in my opinion, is ally or merge Windia, Broni, MYBCKN, and GRAZED, and maybe (maybe!) hold another world leap event after that, with Scania open.
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    I suppose I have been overly confident in stating what I believe about the population. But I believe the game will gradually decline anyways, meaning servers will need to be deleted anyways.

    And also, I wish we could see the number of players at any given time that are logged in, as is possible in RuneScape

    And I agree. I'm not saying that deleting servers is something that shouldn't happen, and I definitely wish that we could see the population as well.