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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Only letting one character transfer after glitch..
I just spoke to a GM and I am only getting one character moved to Bera... After the whole problem with the glitch, they arent even fixing the real issue, which was that I got blocked off mid transfer. Now I am losing over half of my links and have to spend all the meso I have saved and put it into items.. I am losing all my perm nexon.. I have spent days leveling all my links, and now they're gone, Legion is useless, all my character slots are gone.
Wow, that's awful. I hope it all gets sorted out. It really sounds like you put a ton of work in.
Mergers please~
Don't be a world elitist please all worlds should be populated and they still all would be if Nexon didn't implement all these negative changes.
I think, or at least I hope, that the live chat GM was just making stuff up, as they often do.
Makes absolutely no sense to only transfer one character, and nobody ever told us we had to make a ticket for every character we want moved.
Perhaps @Arwoo can clarify.
I care for all worlds which is why I hope they merge the remaining servers into Scania.
Because only Bera/Scania/Reboot have a realistic chance of living now these days.
No you are just thinking about Scania . Not everyone wants all remaining worlds merged into Scania. Nexon should LISTEN to us revert changes then people might start playing again without a need for server merging
Revert what changes? You aren't one of those pre-BB was better people are you?