when i wrote "improvements" it was mean to add events/ways to get leaves or coins to enjoy the anniversary, well i hope, nexon read all of this and at least think about it, thanks for all your replies
Almost half-way through the 13th anniversary event and I've given it all this time to "get better" so far its just a bummer.. I'm firmly with the bring back the leaves and things like PIE VS CAKE (where everyone participated one reason being the exp was astounding) .. you could easily argue that sitting around in an event hall gathering "stars" lends NOTHING to participating in events .. its BORING at best... I remember the hellish hard big cake boss that took me over an hour to take down LOL it was so much fun.. this event has nothing even remotely that screams MAPLESTORY ANNIVERSARY sad sad sad.. not even a nice 13th Ann. chair ... so very sad .. sigh ~
This event doesn't feel like an anniversary event. It feels exactly like the last event with spitfire etc. I mean the games aren't even fun....at least the stars could have been leaves but nope. I don't mind changing or tweaking events but this feels like they spit in the face of maple anniversary. Just a rehash of another event with a new skin. It's sad because this is the one event a lot of us look forward to and now its just another boring event.