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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
5X rewards for MVP users is SO unfair, nexon
Does anyone think this is unfair?
It lists the reason for certain-tier MVP users to get 5x on rewards is because they are 'dedicated players.'
Um, no. No. NO.
First of all, any long time player is a dedicated player, and to say they are not because they don't buy nx is unfair and it's wrong.
Second of all, I can open a new account, drop $500 on NX, and achieve a certain MVP tier in less than 5 minutes. Please explain, nexon, how THIS is person would be more dedicated a player than me?
Having money to blow does not make one more or less dedicated than another. If anything, you are only further proving that the only players of the game you value are the ones who give you money, and the rest of us can go to hell, essentially.
I guess the years I've spend playing, the time I dedicate to my guild, everything I do on maple doesn't matter. I'm not 'dedicated' because I don't give your hacker-infested game $300+ dollars a month?
Get rid of this 5x mvp reward thing. It's so unfair, so biased, and the wrong way to thank so-called 'dedicated' players who simply are people with nothing better than to blow their money on. You should care about ALL your players, not just the ones lining your pockets.
I don't know how to delete threads, but please stop posting on this. I posted it a while ago, it's not really relevant anymore.
The remaining days are scattered throughout the month and only feature 2x. In the current month, they are:
While "5x" sounds like a lot, the rewards are in the single digits and, if you've spent NX at all to obtain Bronze rank, is actually more along the lines of 2.5 times bonus items.
As an aside, if someone is spending $300 a month specifically for this bonus, I would probably say they're wasting their money; the rewards are not that good in comparison to what the $300 itself might buy.
Yes, you do have the right to complain. I'm not a less dedicated player because I'm too poor to drop a month's worth of pay into this game. A person who has played for years is far more dedicated than someone who plays two weeks and drops a fortune on NX.
How much money you have shouldn't dictate what kind of player you are.
Also, most people don't buy nx to support the game, they buy it to show off.
I mean they're giving us some nx stuff for free. I'm a pure f2p that's been playing (on and off) since probably shortly after beta and I see nothing wrong with MVP perks on the Fairy Bros. Heck, I'm happy enough with a free green cube monthly, but maybe that's just me.
Given, yes, they could have worded it differently than "dedicated" but I see little wrong with people who financially support (whether by intention or off product) the game getting bonuses for spitting out cash.
It could the word dedicated that throws it all off, yes. Because money doesn't make someone more dedicated. I feel a player that is f2p and spends, say, 5 hours a day on the game vs an mvp diamond player that sends 10 minutes a day to be more dedicated. Nexon seems to think that throwing your wallet at them = dedicated.
Oh please anyone who plays a game has a right to complain about it. Regardless if they spend money on it or not. They are still part of the community and with out those free users the paying users wouldn't have anyone to play with. "Ton of rewards" Sorry what are they? You get 1 from fairy bros for killing 300 mobs. The only "free " things you get would be hot time rewards which require no effort. Some of the rewards from fairy bros aren't even useful for everyone.
Are people who spend money in the game more "dedicated" players? No, perhaps not. But these players dropping hundreds of dollars (or more, who knows) DO fund Nexon's (and therefore Maplestory's) bottom line. Saying these people don't deserve something a little extra is a bit much. Don't majority shareholders in companies get a say in how the company moves forward? Don't people who invest in publicly traded stocks get money in dividends even if they don't buy a single item from the store?
F2P players ABSOLUTELY have a voice and a right to complain because we get hit by changes and bugs the hardest, as we can't pay our way through them.
But whether those people buy it to show off or to support the game, it still supports the game. On top of that, if they don't play regularly it's not like they'll care too much for the extra gift anyway. I'm happy we even got the daily gift implemented in the first place.
I definitely think that 'dedication' is a poor word choice to use in this circumstance. I would simply state that it is an additional perk granted to those who
spendwaste money on the game. It sucks that there are no perks given to those who have played the game for X number of years - as you've said, we have played this game longer than a lot of the 'pro' 250 players, but just because they drop thousands of dollars into the game they get to reap the rewards moreso than us. It would be nice if there were some sort of loyalty rewards - if you've played for X years, you get XYZ as a perk (something similar to an MVP-tier system).At the end of the day, all Nexon cares about is $$$ - they do not give a **** about the players or what is good for their actual game. The problem is that whales continue to give Nexon money to maintain a sub-average level of game play. So long as that culture exists, nothing will change.
Players are part of the experience regardless of paying status. This is a massively multiplayer game and the paying players choose to spend money on massively multiplayer games because of that "content". If all free players were to leave then so would the big spenders. This is a well-established fact known among all "free-to-play" monetization experts.
Most of the items that are increased are things that players with NX would be buying on regular servers anyway. I see no problem with giving the people who keep this game up for those who can't drop crazy money on the game a few extra items.