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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
as to why you make events so only the very well, and above, funded people can do them. After searching for over 30 minutes trying to find out where to find the "Specific Location Elite Bosses"... and not finding it, I decided to go exploring. For those curious about the location, you keep choosing Midpoint until you finally come to the end... the Final Horizon entrance. I am a level 206 Kanna (no jokes please) with over 800,000 range, and I can not get even one elite boss down 50%. On top of that they keep spawning so that by the end, I am fighting 5 or more... fighting crazy-head, DR, Defense, and more. If I were to drop a couple of thousand on cubes however, no problem! GG Nexon!
Completely unfunded f2p and I'm able to kill all 350 for the mission in one run.
"Just curious as to why you" think you're the cookie cutter for un"funded people". Even if you can't do it in one run, you can enter multiple times to finish the mission.
Lol, over 30m exploring where? Every Expedition Mission has required you to take the Tenebris option from the Outpost, meaning there's only 20 World's Sorrow and 3 Midpoint maps for you to "explore". So you're either telling us that you spent more than a minute on each map either due to poor movement class or afked in them thinking they'll "magically" transform into the Final Horizon map.
Also, the proper phrase in this case would be "with only 800,000 range". 800k is nothing to boast about and saying over implies that anyone at your range has sufficient range for what you're trying to do (though I guess most people probably would be able and you just can't due to poor mechanics or some other silly reason).