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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Space Time Effect 5thJob Cadena Skill
I have this trouble... my character its a cadena lvl 200 and the first time i use the skill Chain Srts: Void Strike. When it brake the time space my pc goes solo slowly that i cant play... i put the graffics in to the minimun but thas not wotking... there is someting that i can do besides buy a new video card please?
Nothing to really be done about it until someone gets around to fixing it. Even though it's been a known issue for a while now.
Thanks for de answer... aw man i have done my cadena already and thinking about changing main... well i hope nexon can read this...
Feels like they've had their priorities out-of-whack for the past three or four weeks.