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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Where's wind archer howling gale #of hits bug fix?
Where is it? Dont tell me the devs r actually going to fix this bug with adventure patch later. It's a god damn bug, not a balance patch. Moreover, it's a bug that cuts a 5th skill dmg output not to 1/2, but 1/3!!! Why can't devs just include this bug fix in the recent patch? Just why?
Considering it was fixed in the Adventure update for KMS, that's exactly when they're going to fix it for GMS
You realize cutting damage by 1/3 isn't worse than cutting it by 1/2, right?
Jesus christ. What i mean is that dmg is reduced TO 1/3 of original dmg output. Dmg 33% < 50%.
And why do this bug fix in the adventure patch in the future?? IT'S A GOD DAMN BUG. It's not balance patch. This is a bug that REDUCES THE DAMAGE TO 1/3 OF THE ORIGINAL (better?). Why can't they just do this bug fix now?? Is it not their priority to fix the bug as soon as possible. Especially for bugs as huge as this?? Are they going to die unless they synchronize every single sh@t with kms???
"Okay and?"
Also, nice work on editing your post after the fact, doesn't really change anything since your original wording is preserved in someone else's quote.
That aside, the fix is coming in the adventure update as Dark said. There's nothing you can do but wait. Throwing a literal tantrum on the forums won't make them expedite the process by any means, all it'll do is get you a warning at best and temp-banned for a few days at worst. I would advise you back off, let this whole thing go. The fix is coming within the next two or three months, which is a damn sight better than most people can say about problems plaguing their classes. This is not the hill you want to choose to die on, let it go.
Lol u make it sound as if I was trying to hide me editing my wording mistake. Just how pathetic are you xD? I already know how quote function works xD. I saw the mistake I made on the wording and told dark what I actually meant and edited the mistake so others won't be mistaken as well. But welp I guess it was actually me trying to hide such "embarrassing" mistake lol. U really caught me red handed with ma **** in ma hand there buddy. Gj
Riiiiiiight. Because if other people are going through something worse than this, then that makes this issue less serious and also makes dev team less incompetant, right? I know fix is coming, but my question was why not now or sooner? They already fixed it in kms so they have coding work to fix the bug already done. Considering the sheer amount of dmg loss for WA due to this bug, why aren't devs fixing this issue asap?? And your answer is "stop throwing tantrums, other people have it worse?" Clap clap clap. Thank you Mr lawyer. I'll be a good little doggy, keep my head down, lick the food nx throws at the ground, and never voice my opinion on the game. What a real helpful reply
sooooooooooo basically stop throwing tantrum because other people have it worse ("most people don't get that luxury"). lool
Truly astounding how getting a bug that lowers a class' dpm ranking from 13th all the way down to 25th fixed in 3-4 months when it can and should be fixed asap is considered luxury. Very high standard people have for this game xD
And again, I maintain that this entire thread is utterly pointless. You know when the fix is coming, yet you're sitting here crying because that's not good enough.
Ok Mr. Lawyer. Let me put it this way. Let's say the water in ur house is broken. U call the company and they say they'll fix it in 3-4 months even though they are more than capable of fixing the problem asap. They tell you to live without water until then. Wouldn't you be angry and upset how stupidly they're managing the issue and voice ur opinion? Is ur complaint pointless cause u know when the water is gonna be fixed? Is ur complaint just a tantrum cause it's not good enough???
They have done bug fixes quickly many times through unscheduled maintenance. But for this bug, which is bigger than some of the bugs that were fixed through unscheduled maint, they're gonna take their sweet azz time fixing it. Yeah u r damn right it's not good enough.
I'm sorry legit complaints from players sound like little kids' crying to u Mr. Lawyer. I truly am. If u think this whole thread is pointless, do yourself a favor and stop posting even more pointless replies.
Also, did I mention this bug existed from the very beginning? The first 5th job intro video shows howling gale # of hit bugs. So it took them 2-3 years to finally find the bug, but even when they know it exists and is capable of fixing it, they're gonna wait couple more months and take their sweet azz time fixing it. And you think this is just tantrum and pointless cause the bug is gonna get fixed in time anyway? Disgusting
I mean, the op might have a whiny tone to his message, but the message isn't a bad one in and of itself. If there are problems with the game, and there's a fix for said problem already existing, why wouldn't you want to have that fast-tracked to the other versions of the game...? Example: In kMS, they had the Dream Defender bug where the monsters and music box would die within 1 hit, causing easy clears. When the test server came to gMS, it was reported. When the gMS live version came, the issue was still there. So why, through both kMS test/live servers and our own test server did an obvious bug like this go unchecked ? The means for the fix were already developed, but because it 'wasn't in patch order' it was just not addessed. Really, what this boils down to is laziness on Nexon's part. They want to do what's easy, not what's right.
Not to mention 1+1 star force event bug last year. KMS had exact same event with a bug that caused gloves to not lose any +att/m.att stats even if starforce drops. This led to manufacturing of some stupid monster gloves (i.e 12star muspell glove with +201 att). They shut the entire auction house and enhancement function. It was a gigantic bug and people talked about it for months. When GMS brought that same 1+1 starforce event from kms, did they bring it along with bug fixes?? No ofc not. Same exact bug happened and same exact measures were made. Smh.
And when addressing laziness on nexons part in cases like these, lawyers like him show up and they try to diminish the issue by treating it like little kids complaining cause "things aren't good enough."
If they did care then Blaster would've been nerfed several times since it's been #1 on the DPM charts since its release all the way until Pathfinder happened, and yet it's only been "nerfed" once in its entire history.
If they did care then classes like Phantom wouldn't be a meme in the game
And yet it took Nexon 6 years to fix Kaiser's transformation hurt box. Is it inexcusable that it took Nexon 2-3 years to fix Howling Gale? Sure, but whining like this on the forums while getting super defensive in the process isn't going to magically make it get fixed any faster. At this point you're complaining for the sake of it since you've known exactly when the bug was getting fixed for several months now.
Blaster is not getting nerfs because his realistic dpm is much lower and it's a class that requires a lot of handwork and control. What I mean is that they DO care about dpm chart and definitely look at them for patches. If a class' dpm rank is low AND have poor utility (unlike phantom), they'll buff the class, and vice versa. They take other things into consideration, but dpm chart damn sure is one of them (a big part too). In case of I/L mage scandal, what they ended up doing was making patches after only looking at dpm chart without doing any test of their own.
Kaiser's hit box change after transformation was not a bug. That was an actual balance patch. Howling gale, on the other hand, has an actual bug that prevents the skill from working as intended. Two very different things.
And boy, do I just looooooove how people always go with "doing this won't fix problem any faster" response to any frustrated complaints. Let me ask you something. What's going to get it fixed faster?? hmmm? If I wrote everything in super polite, dictionary style manner, would devs listen and fix the bug right away?? If I wrote everything nicely, would people like you and Aggraphine's response be any different?? No, it would be the same "bug is gonna get fixed eventually in the future, so just sit tight" kind of response. Either way, it's the same exact reply, so I'm going with angry/frustrated manner (as I should be).
"I'm complaining for the sake of it since I know exactly when the bug is getting fixed"???? What on earth are you talking about?? THAT'S WHAT I'M COMPLAINING ABOUT!! I'm complaining that bug that can and should be fixed asap is not getting fixed asap. I'm not mad that it took them 2-3 years to finally find the howling gale bug. What I am mad about is that despite them taking this long to find the bug, they're still going to take their time fixing it despite already having codes for bug fix. Am I not even suppose to have any complaints about that?? Seriously, read my rant in this thread about water breaking in your house. Would you not make any complaints in that scenario?
The best part about this is how people always wonder why I get "super defensive" in these kinds of threads. Maybe it's because whenever I try to make legit complaints about problems in this game, condescending lawyers show up and always leave replies that pretty much boils down to "How dare you complain? Other's have it worse. You're just being bratty child having a tantrum for things being not good enough for you~~." Basically acting as if any complaints made to devs is just complete pointless tantrum from spoiled brat and shouldn't be taken seriously. THAT'S why I get defensive.
Honestly, hand on your heart, do you not think this kind of bug not being fixed asap, despite them already having bug fix codes, is just downright lazy and complete bs??
What's wrong with complaining about bs management? From what I see, him and other WA users are right to be pissed off. The damage reduction from this bug is actually big enough to make difference between beating top tier boss and failing it. Are people suppose to just stay silent even if they have real problems they want to complain about, just because it's not going to help getting the problem fixed any faster?
Exactly!!! Pathfinder's 5th job skill, Raven Tempest, which have gotten a criticism for being a howling gale rip off, has the exact same # of hit bugs. You know what this means right? Not only did they copy the concept of howling gale, they also copy&pasted skill coding and got the same bug carried over in the process xD. Honestly at this point, it's clear that only thing you have to do in MS is know how to ctrl c+ ctrl v xD
Speech Level 0
Man I've been seeing you making complete fool of yourself in threads, but this is just too sad.
Ok, what about Papulatus summon bug where you can summon it outside the boss map?? That bug was fixed pretty much immediately after the kms fixed the bug as well. Why wasn't that bug fix "slated to go out at a certain time" and got fixed months after like howling gale's #of bugs?? Just like a bug fix for papulatus, a bug fix for howling gale already exists. They're more than capable of doing unscheduled/ scheduled maint to fix howling gale bug immediately, just like how they fixed papulatus bug immediately. Instead, they're doing it after months. THAT is the complaint that OP is making. A proper or reasonable response to something like this would be urging nexon to stop being lazy and carry out this bug fix fast, or at least empathize with people having this issue. And what's your response? "Stop throwing a tantrum like a little kid," and "Your entire complaint is utterly pointless." Tell me what's more pointless. Legit complaints against lazy game management, or your unconditional nexon lawyering? Saddest part is that you actually have balls to tell someone to get "introspection" after doing these kinds of tomfoolery.
Bug fixes, including skill fixes, are bundled with specific updates. They are implemented over a codebase that might have had numerous changes applied to it in the past 6 months or so. It would require extra effort to separate them and, in essence, implement the same fix on our (older) codebase - and not have it break other things, either now or when we finally get the update that had this fix bundled with it.
If the fix is for a bug Nexon considers "gamebreaking", they go to that extra effort. If it's not, they don't.
I know we all would like bugs that affect us personally to be fixed ASAP, but we all also dislike buggy patches, extended maintenances, and other sad side-effects of our version being out of sync with the master version where bugs are fixed. Patience is required. At least you (and OP) know that a fix is coming.
Glad someone said what I was thinking. Too many people don’t realize it’s not as easy as taking the bug fix and then reapplying it to GMS. Applying that bug fix could completely break another part of the game like AKradian said. Aggraphane is right. All you can do is sit and wait for the patch that the bug fix was implemented in. This isn’t as game braking as the Papulatus summon bug. There are plenty of other classes with similar bugs that, as said, don’t have ANY confirmed fixes.
Aggraphane isn’t saying you don’t have a right to complain, he’s saying realize that there’s fixes on the way and be happy you at least have THAT.