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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
extend the time of marvel machine ,
why dont you give us chance to buy more ,
you open the marvel machine for one weak and we cannot Enough in the time,
extend it please.
Save up money so that you can buy as much as you like in the 10 days it's active.
Frenzy Totem will solve 2 PC meta
solve nothing but nexon bills
Frenzy Totem was the most broken p2w gamble item nexon ever made (maybe 2nd now cus BoD not removed yet )
i cant see how item that priced at 2-3k $+ spendings (with chance to get it ....) its better then buying 2 brand new powerfull laptops
but oh well that gamble adiction to get pixel thing its strong
fury totem can fix 2pc meta but still needs some adjustments
first frenzy isnt on marvel machine, second, it would fix it could be obtained via mesos or reward points for larger duration, more quantity and for less reward points, best thing would be to give decent kishin or something like that too