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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
As we all know this game has had great progression as well as many setbacks. What makes it what it is, is the community more directly "the voices". This discussion is about the game progression as it's not progressing in fashion to keep it alive. one of the biggest killers in games today is "boredom", we get thrilled from great content, trolling, conflict anything to get a rise and thrill we seek. it makes for great stories and also great content.
Now that I mention "great content" what great content do we have today? we have repetitive content and bosses that are boring and really annoying most of our players. What we need is a solution, we need change that will bring life to this game that had given so much great playtime for most of our player base. we need content that isn't solely based on holding down one button staying in place and wait a week. Based on solo play cause the ego won't allow them to cooperate with other individuals.
Ursus was a big change for maple as it required many players to take down a goal and even made it hard to do so. So how do we create content that requires teamwork, isn't repetitive and will be fun and something to do daily or every few days? I heard glory will have some content but will we get content that is consistent and will bring life and fun to the game.
This is more to ask you all if we need more content, my plan of action is to write this thread to see how many seek more content or satisfied with the game. Also will the return of PVP, guild tournaments, more bosses or team party quest and content help. I hope to hear some good comments and reviews.

Nexon does seem to be somewhat attempting a shift back towards party play or social interaction within the game, so we need more time to see the fruits of that labor.
Guild revamp, among the way they've handled some events suggest to me that Nexon has finally seen that party play is in fact dead and are slowly trying to fix it.
One of the things I think we need most in this regard is a change to the way mesos are split whilst in a party.
EXP is objectively better given the right circumstances.
However Mesos are strangely split between the entire party and not boosted in any way.
On top of this, the split occurs even if the party member isn't on the same map.
I think this creates too many scenarios where other things make it hard to justify being in a party for the sometimes extra EXP.
Things such as droplets, nodestones and mesos over EXP, having to find someone to party with and coordinate where each person needs to be on the map, etc.
Solo story is possible, as it should be. A player shouldn't be locked out of the game simply because they can't find a party.
But there should be a more clear and obvious reward for players who take the time to find a party and grind that way instead.
Map wide party buffs and better map selection in the 200+ areas is something else I think we need.
Too many maps in the 200+ areas are easily designed for solo play, or have such poor design that even a party wouldn't want to mess with it.
Nexon seems to acknowledge this with recent chuchu map revamps in Korea. So this is another case of "Just wait and see" imo.
I think players need a better way to communicate with one another as well. Guild chat and Alliance chat are great and all, but they're not a big enough scale imo.
I think the fix for this is to give players either free or low cost megaphones (The channel specific versions), as these seem to barely get used regardless.
This would allow people to create sub-communities within the individual channels and more easily find people to help them boss, party or ask questions without the need to fork over money for a super megaphone.
As it should be obvious, this biggest issue I have with the game is the lack of party play outside of bossing.
I don't think we need too many more party quests or minigames to play with others. They'll just be ignored like all the others.
I think for real change to happen they need to work on fixing the content we already have to be more enticing to players.
As well as giving players better ways to communicate and find users similar to their own level/power/goals to play with.
All in all I trust the current development team with the future of MapleStory, even the future of GMS.
The only real problem I have with the game is the way GMS handles the community we still lack the transparency we need.
But we have a million other threads for that and I don't think that should be the focus for this one.
I only want to see real content that can take maple to the next level as we are in 2020 we need to be greater then we were 2019
Events some are fun,like dmt which motivates me to grind and farm hose mesos as well as sf events, coin farming is ok, a bit slow these days but fine.
My issue is with the other events, i barelly do them because dailies and coin capping takes all my time and energy.
After doing dailies on 2 characters and coin farming on 2 characters minimun i feel so tired that i dont feel like playing anymore so i just afk for relay.
Btw i have to admit that new maple relay is awesome, lots of reward points to get fury totems and u only need to stay logged in. Old relay was a huge pain and i didnt bother at all, having all those requirements to simply claim the daily boxes omg... . Im really happy they changed it.
My issue with these events is that you cannot realistically miss days/characters or otherwise you miss out.
I already play MapleStory on a daily basis but the requirement to play slightly longer than I normally do or get pushed to do a certain activity every day is very draining.
I usually just run around in MapleWorld doing whatever, whenever, I want. These type of events do get me to play longer at the start of the event period, but by the end of them I'm usually sick of MapleStory and have to take a month or two off to allow myself to get away from it all.
If these events were changed to a "X times out of the week" kind of thing, similar to how the investigation works, (Still too demanding imo) I would be more fine as that gives you days to slack off.
The biggest change I'd love to see is more events be made account wide.
Where you do them on ONE character and all the other characters are allowed to benefit from this.
Sure the coin shop tiers are unlocked for all characters at the same time. But you still have to grind them independent from each other.
I think a shared system would lessen the strain, as you only have to do the event on your main, but your mules/offhands/whatever still get a piece of the pie.
Character based shops or coin collection is fine. But I think these events still place too much importance on grinding 2 or 3+ characters in order to reap the rewards.
I think the content itself is fine. Nexon clearly has no clue on how to handle social markets and isn't good at driving the community together.
The constant changes in their management team says to me they're trying to fix this. I think they have all the right tools to give players what they want.
Above all else I think we need a better way to talk to people.
I am plenty social when it's something I'm interested in, but there's no way I'm spending money just to shout memes at people.
I believe Nexon tried this in the past extremely briefly, but removed it when it proved to be too laggy for the client to handle.
I think this is worth taking another stab at. While you're at it Nexon, please remove the filter or allow a toggle.
It's completely useless even for children. They already know these words and probably use them personally anyway.