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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
There are too many Macros
Got sick of people with macro and the ms people not caring about it. the people who are actually trying to play this game would be mad at how their field is ruined with macros hunting all the mobs. I didn't think this was a problem at first... but if the macros kill all the quest mobs, then I can't complete the quest myself... please give back the macro detector the korean server has or at least do something about it.
Nexon is somewhat combating against the bots. The problem is they aren't nipping it in the bud.
They ban hundreds of thousands of bots a WEEK and it still doesn't make that much of an impact.
It's a much easier to fix problem in Korea where account creation is a bit more closed doors.
The lie detector probably wouldn't put any more of a dent in the bot count than the current method already does.
In the first two weeks of this month/year alone we've already seen 220,293 accounts banned.
(Just imagine how many hackers we'd have if these accounts weren't being banned so quickly.)
"At least do something about it" is about all Nexon is actually doing.
They're banning the bots and I assume developing some tweaks for the anti-hack engine.
However what we really need is an overhaul on account creation in whole.
This probably isn't a small undertaking and Nexon Korea probably doesn't want to waste the effort on our region.
They've already spent a good chunk of money on us in other ways and they probably consider this low priority.
The conspiracy theory was removed from the post. I even called it a conspiracy theory in the section removed.
It had very limit merit behind the reasoning but it did take a cool look into the business side of Nexon which I wish wasn't removed from the post.
You can check out this channel which has several of Nexon's business presentations on it.
It's nothing uniquely related to the business of MapleStory but rather it focuses on Nexon's business as a whole because it's for investors.
I really liked to train with my Xenon, but because of the amount of botters I had no choice but to give up and quit train, that's the only solution, unless... Nexon make a move? well it's been over 10 years so the answer is fairly obvious.
You should give up, just like I did.