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Amoria Party Quest

Reactions: 640
Post: 1
edited April 2020 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Unable to obtain Lip Lock Keys

Brief bug summary: Sakura Cellion, Indiago eye, Crystal Boar do not drop Lip Lock Keys, even with high drop rate.

Steps to reproduce: Kill mobs to obtain 10 keys then turn into Amos the Strong for an Amorian Challenge Entrance Ticket.

Character name: Giedi

Character level: 241

Character job: Dual Blade

World name: Scania

Date and time of the incident: 4/25/2020, 01:19 AM (EST)


  • FrozeNetFrozeNet
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2020
    I also experienced this bug, as for now it's impossible to APQ and obtain Onyx Apples.
  • HanaBobaHanaBoba
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Character name: HanaBoba

    Character level: 204

    Character job: Angelic Buster

    World name: Elysium

    I ended up coming back from playing maplestory from a long time ago.
    Did all the parts. Got married and even used a x2 drop coupon to get keys.
    Could not obtain rewards with friends. I feel like I wasted NX :/
  • hanaflorhanaflor
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 12
    edited May 2020
    Would be nice if this got some recognition.
  • MiraeMirae
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 2
    edited June 2020
    Character name: MirageRune
    Character level: 225
    Character job: Evan
    World name: Bera

    Same problem. Still have yet to get anything at all to drop from Crystal Boars, Indigo Eyes, etc. Really hope this gets fixed soon, because it's such a waste of NX otherwise.

  • GhibleeGhiblee
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 684
    edited June 2020
    We wanted to inform you that we've been looking into this issue where the keys would not drop from Amoria Party Quest monsters.
    Thank you for the report!
  • ZephrayZephray
    Reactions: 1,140
    Posts: 21
    edited June 2020
    Character name: Azarul
    Character level: 250
    Character job: Demon Slayer
    World name: Bera

    I'm experiencing the same as well; unable to get a single key regardless of how many mobs I kill. I was looking forward to trying APQ for the first time, but I suppose it'll have to wait until this is fixed. Would appreciate it if Nexon acknowledged this.

    EDIT: OOPS. Ghiblee ninja replied right before I posted this. Thank you for looking into this!
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 3
    edited June 2020
    Fix asap 4 real doesnt work on any of my 50 chars