To whom it may concern,
Maplestory has always been a gambling game where you scroll, tier potential, upgrade, obtain items with Random Goddess Number (RNG). This feature is what makes this game so appealing and fun to play. Now, when we are talking about NX gambling sales for those who don't know, it is about purchasing a box with NX (which can be obtained through the meso market or buying NX with real money) and then testing your luck for a very special item.
In this case, I will talk about mainly the Philospher Books. I understand that for the game to be profitable there need to be some sales going in the game, thus the game can be healthy and prosper. But checking the rates for the philospher books, and considering is price of 2.6k NX for 1 book, it clearly says that you are squeezing the most out of your player's wallets. With rates such as 0.02% on mainly about 5 to 10 very good equips seems very unreal to obtain. Almost every player on the game will buy these in order to test their RNG and roll one of the most sought for items (Firestarter Ring, Breath of Divinity, Outlaw Heart, Battle-roid and so on). But then again, with 0.02% I think you Nexon are doing it wrong. It feels like a total rip-off and very much Pay-to-Win. As a very regular player, I feel tired of this game being so difficult. Even using monetary resources, it feels so hard to improve as the rates are always in favor of the game.
I am also amazed how items like Lionheart set, 90 day mounts, and many other not-very-useful-items are included in this box. It is clearly says that you don't want players to improve but to keep spending either their time or money on the game.
I would really recommend you Nexon, that if you want to retain the players more in this game, you should provide enjoyable experience. And not give players all these sales with unreal percentages. Even with lower percentages, then Philospher books should be cheaper considering 0.02%... Then again not even 1%, not even 0.1% its 0.02 thats almost nothing.

This game has always been p2w , this is nothing new.
Having said that i agree, they should search for another way to make profit without scamming the community.
Hardests items to obtain from philobooks are opaf items that nobody really needs to enjoy the game. Those items' ratings were specifically made super low to prevent overflow of op items. Things like fsr, BoD, outlaw and battle roid are not at all necessary items to play this game, and not having them doesn't qualify as a reason why the game is "difficult". You don't need them to "improve" as there are many other ways to improve your characters. They literally show you the rating, so why are you complaining? You know what you're getting yourself into when you buy these. If you don't want to deal with rng of this game, then just buy them directly from auction house or other players.