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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
You have been a registered member for four whole years!
October 2020
You have been a registered member for three whole years!
September 2020
You have been a registered member for two whole years!
September 2020
You earned your first like! Keep it up!
April 2018
You've sent a private message. Make sure to check your inbox for new messages!
March 2018
You have been a registered member for an entire year!
March 2018
You used the search bar! No seriously, so many folks never even look there that it's worth having a badge just for this.
November 2016
You've selected an avatar. Now show it off by posting in the forums!
September 2016
You had a hard decision to make, but you did it. Well done.
September 2016
You made your first post in the forum!
September 2016
You've created a poll! Let's see what the results will be
September 2016